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食为人天,农为正本。——李世民。Eat a day, as the original.

我们每人保留一份正本和两份副本。Each of us keeps one original and two copies.

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本保证书请盖公司大小章及骑缝章后正本寄回。Please sign and return this Guarantee Form back to Mirle.

每份空运运单有三份正本以及至少六份副本。Each air waybill has three originals and at least 6 copies.

惯常做法是为正本另立一个后备档案。It is common practice to make a back-up file for our documents.

我们为你同此附寄我们的价目表的正本参考。We enclose herewith a copy of our price list for you reference.

投标书中应有一份用印刷体大写字母标明“正本”字样。One copy of the tender shall be marked "ORIGINAL" in block capitals.

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标书正本影印件能最大限度地减少差异的几率。Photocopies of the Original Tender minimise the risk of discrepancies.

因为我们工作的失误,已经将上述正本提单放给了我们的收货人。Therefore, we usually make the misplay in operating these enterprises.

请将存款收条正本连同此表格寄回本会。Please mail the original bank pay-in-slip together with this form to us.

本协议一式二份,各方圴持有一份正本。This Agreement is made in duplicate, one original for each party hereto.

请再将已传真之表格正本连同划线支票邮寄至本协会。Please post the original order form with a crossed cheque to the council.

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此授权书的影印本与正本具同等效力。A photostatic copy of this authorization shall be as valid as the original.

生产商出具的“非木质包装证书”正本一份。One original of "Non-Wooden Packing Certificate" issued by the manufacturer.

“当然,”泰迪答道。“正本它就廉价,何况他又被烟熏过了。”"Absolutely, " said Teddy. "It was already cheap, and now it's fumigated . "

每次申请退款时,须一并递交有关的已盖印花收据正本。The relevant franked original receipt should be submitted with each application.

为什么消除每日随机俊杰正本的队长赞美?。Q. Why were pworky leadvertisementser rewards for the random heroic daily removed?

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空运单据在表面看来必须是签发给发货人或托运人的正本。The air transport document must appear to be the original for consignor or shipper.

请保留购买收据之正本,如洗衣球有损坏,须提交予职员以进行维修或更换。Please retain original receipt and present it to our staff for repair or replacement.

请携带护照或居留证正本到试场参加考试。A test-taker should present either a valid passport or an ARC card to the test center.