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一部常用同义词辨析词典。A very practical synonymy dictionary.

该法官对许多案件进行辨析。The judge distinguished between many cases.

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通过单词分类进一步提高学生的辨析能力。The students can make sentences with words in 1a.

我们应注意对同义词的辨析。We should pay attention to synonym discrimination.

在结构化辨析员所描绘的一系列历程模型被称为DFD。Systems analysts draw a series of process models called DFD.

第一章重在探讨“媒妁”的源流辨析问题。Chapter 1 involves examining the origin and development of Matchmaker.

文章首先辨析了团队、团队领导和团队效能的内涵。Firstly, the intensions of team, team leader and team performance are analyzed.

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辨析同义词的方法有训诂法、替换法和义素分析法。The morphemes analysis method is the foundation of the semantic interpretation.

本章进一步对爱与理性、爱与欲望的关系进行了辨析。This chapter further discusses the relationship of love and ration, love and desire.

同义词辨析在英语学习中是个不容忽视的重点。The importance of near-synonym discrimination in English learning cannot be neglected.

文章就此类音义错位现象选例作一些辨析。The author attempts to address this issue by analyzing some examples of this phenomenon.

极值剔除后的热点辨析结果与数据转换后的结果类似。The results of removing the extreme values were similar to those in data transformation.

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这些问题尽管是白璧微瑕,但也有辨析的必要。Even though these are trivial problems, there is a great necessity to make a distinction.

本文正是通过对三首咏乐诗的比较,来辨析三位诗人的不同创作风格。This paper contrasts three chant poems to illustrate the different writing styles of them.

第一章着重辨析两组基本概念,从而界定研究的范围。In chapter one, I will distinguish two group of definition, define the exterior of research.

你不必努力地去学习,去辨析不同面部表情的含义。You don't have to work very hard to figure out what these different facial expressions mean.

不作为具有自然的和法律上的不同内涵,对二者的正确辨析是解释其行为性的基础。Its the basis of interpreting its activity to have a correct analyzing of these two meanings.

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本文并对此剧的创作主脑、人物描写、关目构思、艺术价值做了辨析。It proceeds to analyses the writing's mainstream, character description and its artistic value.

大量语法、用法说明,解析语法难点,辨析易混淆词汇。Other features include copious Notes which explain grammar difficulties and confusing synonyms.

第三部分,首先对交通事故及事故责任的概念进行辨析。Part3, first, to differentiate the definition of motor vehicle accident and accident liability.