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说明文告诉我们与一个话题相关的事实。Information books tell us facts about a topic.

定义说明文可用演绎法或归纳法展开。A definition paper may be either deductive or inductive.

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举例说明文使用例子阐明观点。Illustration is the use of example to illustrate a point.

写一篇有关如何快速阅读的说明文。Write an expository essay explaining how to republishing fast.

识别说明文的明显特征。Recognizing the distinguishing features of informational articles.

以获得乐趣或获取信息为目地阅读说明文。Reading informational texts for pleasure or to learn new information.

“我们在太空中的使命”为一篇有关科普知识的说明文。Our Destiny in Space" is an expository writing about popular science."

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以前的对比修辞研究主要集中在说明文体裁上。Much of the previous research has mainly dealt with expository writing.

说明文的特点是“说”,而且具有一定的知识性。Characteristics that explain the text is a " say", and have the certain knowledge.

将个人经历和非小说类说明文联系起来。Making a connection between personal experience and nonfiction, informational text.

如果有一个好的摄影说明文档,会更容易帮你赢得特约拍摄的机会。A good photo-essay on one project will be remembered and will help to get you assignments.

在报纸和线上新闻的编辑部,编辑要为报道撰写标题,为照片写说明文字。In newspapers and online newsrooms, editors write headlines for stories and captions for photos.

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初中语文说明文单元教学模式,是本人在借鉴基础上多年来教学经验的提炼。Unit teaching model in junior middle school Chinese language teaching is my personal experience.

此外,本文发现年级越高的高中生会接触到愈多的叙述文,但愈少的说明文。Besides, senior high school students expose more narrations but fewer expositions in the higher grades.

提供给利比亚投资局的销售说明文件称,兴业银行有可能被收购,因此该行的股价已明显低估。Sales-pitch documents to the LIA say that SocGen was a probable takeover target, and as such, highly undervalued.

二年级的写作课主要内容包括文学作品故事梗概,论文内容提要,说明文、议论文等等。It is mainly concerned with writing main ideas of literature works, outline of dissertation and argumentation, etc.

定义说明文指出定义对象的实质和特有的属性,阐明它与其他类型如何不同。It presents the essential nature and the qualities of the discussed subject and shows how it is different from others.

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摄影图片征集活动要求主题鲜明,内容积极向上,关于我校的相关内容并配有说明文字。Activities of photography collection require a clear theme, positive content, relevant content on our school with captions.

说明文件层级自订的运作方式,以及它们在开发人员和使用者眼前的不同样貌。Describes how document-level customizations work, and how they are perceived differently by the developer and the end user.

最后以一个生化反应器为例,通过仿真说明文中给出的控制器算法的可行性。The simulation result of a biochemical reactor example shows that the method pro-posed is applicable to practical problems.