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她很会说,她把你的耳根都说掉了。She can talk your ears off.

听我在你耳根上告诉你吧!Let me tell thee, in thine ear!

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他老是忘记洗耳根。He always forgets to wash behind his ears.

爆炸的声音震得他耳根发麻。The noise of the explosion made his ears numb.

在握了握手之后,他便在牧师耳根小声耳语着什么。They shook hands and he whispered to the pastor.

她的耳根有一处很深的伤口,淌着血。Under her ear was a deep wound, which was bleeding.

哦,年轻人,你耳根都流汗了,我知道你在撒谎,因为你根本没有哥哥。I know you are lying because you don't have a brother at all.

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当他微笑时,总是能咧到两边的耳根。When he smiles, it always open wide till the end of the ears.

因为我根本不善于撒谎,那通红的耳根早已出卖了我。Because I did not good at lying, that red ears had betrayed me.

他能感到雨落在脸上就像冰冷的雾,可以听到血一下子冲到耳根的声音。He could feel the rain on his face as a cold mist and heard the blood rushing in his ears.

形状有点接近三角形,位置深,向上、向耳根外侧倾斜。Eyes are somewhat triangular in shape, deep set, and upward slanting toward the outside base of the ear.

警觉时,耳根背部竖起,耳朵前边缘部仍然紧靠头部。When alert, the rear part of the set-on is raised while the front edge of the ear remains close to the head.

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他的喉颈被齐着耳根割开了一道大口子。鲜血直冒,他的身子全浸在血泊里。His throat had been cut from ear to ear. the blood had flowed down into a pool where his body sagged the bunk.

人人说到你,你不觉得耳根红热吗?他们都说我脾气太好了,害得你如此这般。——徐志摩。Everyone said to you, don't you think his ears red? They all said my temper too good, this may have caused you.

头部被毛长长垂下,深黄褐色,头两侧、耳根和口吻部被毛很长且颜色深。Fall on head long, rich golden tan, deeper in colour at sides of head, about ear roots and on muzzle where it should be very long.

我走近它,伸出我的手,奥斯卡认真地嗅了嗅,然后站起身,向我走来,这次竟愿意让我轻轻地在它耳根后捋着它的毛。I reached over and offered my hand. Oscar sniffed it intently, then stood up to move toward me, allowing me to gently scratch him behind the ears.

脸部的上半边和下半边的披毛的交接,让眼角至耳根部的披毛出现一条交接的线。There is a characteristic meeting of the hair of the upper and lower face which forms a line from the outer corner of the eye to the base of the ear.

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汽车座椅支撑体突耳根部是该部件的薄弱环节,容易发生断裂,利用超声波嵌插技术对损坏的部件进行了焊接修复。Root parts of projecting section of the holder for automobile seats are apt to rupture and ultrasonic inserting tecboque is applied to restore damaged parts.

尽管美人多娇,他也从不泄气,将对她的爱慕涂满信纸,句句都炙热得令人耳根羞涩。Instead, he filled every letter with his adoration and love. Every sentence he wrote was so passionate and loving that anyone who has read it would feel timid.

他努力喘息,血一下子都涌到了耳根,他恐惧的喊叫声也开始变弱,先是一阵呜咽,随后就变成了悠长的悲鸣。As he struggled for breath, the blood roaring in his ears, his shouts of terror began to subside, turning first into a whimper, then into a long plaintive wail.