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海王星之突出重围玩家有1-8网的选择!Neptune's network Win 1-8 players have the choice!

该城址拥有城墙和护城河,另有内外双重围壕。The city site has city wall and moat surround with two ditches.

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当意识觉醒时,却发现自己身首异处,身陷重围。When we awake, we find ourselves at foreign land, and are besieged.

寂寞层层包围,我再也没有力气走出这片重围。Surrounded by layers of loneliness, I have no strength out of the trap.

1975年,乔布斯奉命开发一款同“乒乓”相似的游戏“突出重围”。In 1975, Jobs was tapped by Atarito work on the Pong-like game Breakout.

能否突出重围,就要看你的眼力和反应了!Can break through a tight encirclement, will see your eyesight and reactions!

精英组为第一梯次,比赛放行后,攻势一波接著一波,每个车队都想先冲出重围。First elite group, when race start. So many attack, each team wants break away.

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当你面对生活中各个领域中的竞争时你如何突出重围呢?How can you come out ahead when faced with competition in all areas of your life?

米兰站能够突出重围,透露出投资者对这一概念的热衷。Milan station to tight encirclement, revealing investors ' enthusiasm in this concept.

之后,共和党将他描述成一个鲁莽、天真、缺乏经验的人,但他最终却冲出了重围。He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.

菲利普在我前面,我比他们一群人都要快,但是我还是无法超越,突出重围。I had Felipe in front of me, I was quite a bit quicker than all the pack but couldn't get past.

趁现在买辆好车,好在僵尸来袭时冲出重围。Buy the right car now, and you'll have no trouble outrunning the zombie apocalypse when it comes.

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趁现在买辆好车,好在僵尸来袭时冲出重围。Buy the right car now, and you’ll have no trouble outrunning the zombie apocalypse when it comes.

每一次打者似乎要突破重围时,王适时的取得重要的出局数。Every time it seemed the Tigers were poised for a breakout, Wang came up with the out he had to get.

陷入重围的穆巴拉克总统在早些时候在拜访军队总部时候同最高指挥官见面了。Embattled President Hosni Mubarak earlier met top commanders during a visit to a military headquarters.

如果说流了眼泪,我敢打赌,这是为了已故的同志和陷入重围后的惨败。If there was a tear, I would wager that it was for fallen comrades and for the massacre that surrounded them.

苏联军队在列宁格勒地区发起猛烈反攻,突出重围并攻占了什利斯谢尔堡。Soviet troops launch a major counter-offensive in the Leningrad area, breaking the siege and taking Shlisselburg.

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大批记者在医院外等候迪迪出院,尚恒带她冲出重围。A large number of reporters waiting outside the hospital didi, discharge ShangHeng belt she rushed out of the trap.

他们的预选赛打的一团糟,但是迭戈·马拉多纳的球队最终还是突出重围在南非占据了一席之地。Their qualification campaign was awful, but Diego Maradona's team scraped through to take their place in South Africa.

由于赵括没有实际作战经验,结果陷入秦军重围,被乱箭射死。Zhao Kuo found himself tightly encircled and was killed by the troops of Qin owing to lacking practical war experience.