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那雄共汽车失走控制,撞到了一家商店的门脸。The bus go out of control and run into a shop front.

离那儿只有几个门脸儿,居然有一家饭馆儿以“毛”命名。And a few doors down, there's a restaurant named after Mao.

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不大的门脸,一直走进去,在里面临窗的位子坐下来,可以仰望到城堡。Small backyards, always walk into, in facing window seat sit down, can look to the castle.

这些“绿色门脸”的店铺都是紧挨着传统的红色门脸的“五又十美分”商店。These "green-front" stores often were right next to the traditional red-front five-and-dime Kresge stores.

临街地方可以选择和西区一些小店租个门脸,像"梅江"那块外国人很多的!Local street and can choose to rent a small number of Western Menlian, such as "Meijiang" That's a lot of foreigners!

时光杂货铺门脸不大,装饰也不夸张,却闻名了很多年。The time general store gate face is not big, the decoration does not exaggerate, actually has been well-known many years.

这家店的门脸脏兮兮的,装饰灰头土脸,里面商品的摆放完全没有任何可观之处。The shop front is dirty, the decor shabby and the goods inside are displayed without the slightest attention to aesthetics.

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所有这些都在我们的门脸前经过。恰恰是在这里,在我们当中,我们能着手挖掘某些潜在的东西。All pass by our window front, and it is right here that we can begin to engage the certain potentialities in our very midst.

说它是市集,是因为这里是地道的村落化市场,几十家不同特色的店面沿街而立,在1500多米的长街上顺势排开,门脸不大,进去却很深。It is a fair because this is a genuine village market, gathering dozens of workshops of different types along the 1500-meter long street, all with small fronts and deep backyards.

为了避免沿道路两边所谓的车库门脸出现,利用了当地的地形建造了地下车库及露天停车场。To avoid a row of car parks along the streets, the topography of the area was completely used and underground car parks as well as parking bays were partly "dug" into the hillside.