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我是个列表专业户。I’m a list maker.

你会认为她现在都成结婚专业户了,但我真的不确定。You'd think she'd be a pro by now, but I don't know.

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你确定你想邀请这个派对扫兴专业户去扫兴吗?Are you sure you wanna invite this party pooper to poop on your party?

各地都出现了一批以妇女为主的专业户、专业村。Specialized households and villages headed by women have emerged everywhere.

先生,今天过的怎么样?那个D开头的是什么来着的?比如,离婚专业户?How are you doing today, Mister? What's that D word again? Let's say, divorcee?

本实用新型适合专业户、农场、实验室使用。The utility model is applicable for specialized household, farms and laboratories.

最适合于中、小型油料加工厂及个体专业户使用。Most suitable for medium and small edible fuel oils processing plants and the use of the self-employed.

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排队专业户李奇才在上海一家医院为一位客人取中医药方。Queuer Li Qicai waits in line at a Shanghai hospital to collect traditional Chinese medicine for a customer.

本实用新型特别适合饲养专业户、农家户作为粮食、饲料加工机械。The utility model is especially suitable for feeders, farmers as a processing machine of grains and feedings.

那些专利牟利户,专门从知识产权中获利的专业户,也增加了法律保护知识产权权益的难度。Those patent trolls that look to make a profit off of intellectual property rights also pose as problem to IPR protection.

我上学不久,父亲被邻村一位养鱼专业户请去守鱼池,每月能赚50元。Soon after I went to school, father was hired by a fish raiser to keep watch rearing pond , which earned 50 yuan per month.

那些专利牟利户,专门从知识产权中获利的专业户,也增加了法律保护知识产权权益的难度。Those patent trolls that look to make a profit off of intellectual property rights also poses as problem to IPR protection.

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成为金阳一景,逐步形成了一批专业乡、专业村和专业户。Jinyang into a scene, and gradually formed a group of professional rural, professional and specialized households in the village.

一个设计、动漫、游戏、科技与打酱油专业户建造了这个网站,他愿意与你分享所见、所思、所得,希望你能够喜欢。A design, animation, game and technology lover made this site, wishing to share his view, his thought with you, hoping you will love it.

由于方法简便、费用低廉,适用于养鸡专业户鸡蛋的保鲜。The authors concluded that this method can be used to keep egg fresh for chicken feeding families because of its simplicity and low cost.

这样的专业户还为数不多。对大多数农村人来说,养鱼只是多种经营的一个组成部分。Such full-time fish culturists are small in number. For most country people, fish culture is just a component of their diversified economy.

该房顶由水泥棒、水泥瓦、水泥扒板三部分构成。这些只需一般的中小型水泥构件厂或个体专业户生产。The present invention relates to a sandwich thermal-insulating roof formed from three portions of cement rod, cement tile and cement strap.

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本文对专业户笼养蛋鸡早期钙乏症所出现的蛋形变化、鸡群表现,发生特点过行了观察。Changes in egg shape, flock performance, and characteristics of occurrence were observed in caged layers affected by early calcium deficiency.

马利奥是拍摄杂志封面的专业户,也是戴安娜王妃生前喜爱的摄影师,跟威廉王子同样很熟谙。Mr Testino who regularly shoots cover images for the title, and was a favourite with Princess Diana, has long been friends with Prince William.

马里奥是拍摄杂志封面的专业户,也是戴安娜王妃生前喜爱的摄影师,跟威廉王子同样很熟谙。Mr Testino who regularly shoots cover images for the title, and was a favourite with Princess Diana, has long been friends with Prince William.