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切副乳无效果吗?No Furu cut effect?

效果为零,效果全无。The effect was nil.

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这剧本上演的效果好。The play acts well.

我想我不需要这种效果。This I did not need.

但效果不好。Couldn't figure it out.

听起来还满不赖的,低音效果不错。Sounds good—lots of bass.

D的效果不那么好。The 3D wasn't that great.

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只需按效果付费。You only pay for results.

这个大厅传音效果不好。The hall is bad for sound.

但随机噪声的效果是一样的。But the effect is the same.

我想不会有什么效果。I don't think it will hely.

不会的,晚上写效果更好。N0,1 write better at night.

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这出歌剧的舞台效果好。The opera was good theater.

但并不能取到很好的效果。But it may not do much good.

就像一个灯箱效果。Just like a lightbox effect.

看看美国实行禁烟令有什么效果吧?Ok, let's come to the point.

这个净余的效果是不明确的。The net effect is ambiguous.

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这就是纹理的效果。This is where textures help.

从而到达祛斑效果。To reach the freckle effect.

增白效果没话说。Whitening effect to impress.