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新型风口的试用表明,热障涂层可减少风口处的热量损失,使得实际入炉的热风温度升高15.8℃。The practice showed the blast temperature was increased by 15.8 ℃ by use of such coating.

综述了目前国内外抗高温氧化涂层和热障涂层的研究现状。The study of oxidation resistance coatings and thermal resistance coatings was overviewed.

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文中介绍了氧化锆基热障涂层材料的性能及应用。This paper discusses the performance and the application of the zirconia thermal barrier coating.

纳米结构涂层的耐高温摩擦磨损性能优于常规热障涂层。The nanostructured TBCs can improve the wear property of the TBCs compared to the conventional coatings.

通过实验,分析讨论热障涂层破坏形式以及涂层厚度和梯度层的影响。The behavior of TBC failure and the effect of thickness of coating and FGM were investigated experimentally.

梯度热障涂层是一种新型耐热材料,可充分缓和热应力。Gradient thermal barrier coatings, a new type heat resisting material, can sufficiently release heat stresses.

测试结果表明,热障涂层系统的显微硬度存在压痕尺寸效应,即表观显微硬度随施压载荷的增加而显著降低。Through centrifugal model tests, the influence of plate size on the results of plate loading tests was studied.

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薄热障标签从杜邦有助于保持了热转移的手或外面的温度。A thin thermal barrier label from DuPont helps to keep out the heat transferred by hands or outside temperatures.

模拟结果表明,热障涂层中的残余应力是界面形貌尺寸的函数。The result shows that the residual stress in thermal barrier coatings is a function of interface topography parameters.

对热障涂层进行铅笔芯断裂的定位分析验证了该方法的准确性。The location analysis results of the pencil lead breaking test on thermal barrier coating showed the accuracy of this method.

介绍了作为热障涂层活塞的功能梯度材料的应用机理、材料特性组合方案、依据及优化设计方法。The application mechanism, characteristic combination scheme basic and optimization design method of FGMs as piston is discussed.

因此纳米氧化锆热障涂层拥有很好的高温稳定性能。So the nanostructured TBCs had better high temperature stability in terms of the change tendency of grain size and phase composition.

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外衣应作为热障以及风块,由于通过冷空气循环,增加风寒因素。The outer garment should serve as thermal barrier as well as a wind block, since cycling through cold air increases the wind chill factor.

指出陶瓷热障涂层的主要问题是如何提高涂层附着力,主要的解决办法是控制涂层结构和基体温度,以及提高涂层材料的抗环境性能等。In this paper the author points out that the main problem of ceramic thermal barrier coating is how to improve the adhesion of the coating.

因此研究工作者开始将纳米技术、激光重熔表面处理技术与等离子喷涂技术结合起来,期望获得具有更好性能的热障涂层。So the nanometer technology and laser glazing are combined with atmospheric plasma spraying in order to prepare TBCs with better performance.

本论文主要对热障涂层试样内部的热应力分布情况和涂层的失效机理进行研究。In this paper, the thermal stress in the double layer thermal barrier coating specimens and the failure mechanism of the coating were analyzed.

综述了该技术在SOFC、光催化、新一代热障涂层和超耐磨耐蚀涂层等方面的应用进展。The development of the applications of such technology in SOFC, photocatalysis, TBCs and superior erosion wear resistance coatings is summarized.

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随着载人航天及航空技术的发展,对航天器的防热材料和航空发动机的热障涂层等技术的要求日益增高。With the development of manned space flight and aeronautics, the technical requirements for heat protection material and thermal barrier coating, etc.

粉末流动性好、振实密度高,可以用来热喷涂制备纳米结构热障涂层。Such powders with good flow ability and high tap density are suitable for thermal spray used in the deposition of nanostructured thermal barrier coatings.

用等离子喷涂方法在合金圆柱体上制备了热障涂层,并用水冷的方法进行了热冲击实验,试样的失效现象为轴向的开裂和剥落。The plasma spraying technique was used to prepare a set of thermal barrier coating specimens, and water-cooling method was used in thermal shock experiments.