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这滋味儿大好。It tastes very good.

我觉得它毫无滋味。It palls on my taste.

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这盘菜的滋味不错。This dish tastes good.

伤风使某人失去辨别滋味的能力。A cold dulls sb. 's taste.

我们都尝过爱的滋味。We've all experienced love.

我已经知道那是什么滋味了。I already know how it feels.

我厌倦了被冷淡的滋味。I was sick of being lukewarm.

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或许他真会尝到失败滋味。Maybe he's due for a failure.

你让我尝到了人生的滋味。You've give me a tast for life.

我也领略到失败的滋味。I also found out what failure is.

我也尝过和蒙哥马利晋餐的滋味!I too have dined with Montgomery!

我们“少年不识愁滋味”。" The young do not sorrow taste".

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别有一番滋味在心头。An unspeakable taste in the heart.

可是别离的滋味,会在这个秋季里。But my taste, will be in the fall.

那融合的滋味恭喜你!The fusion of taste congratulations!

一杯冰镇啤酒的绝妙滋味。The taste of an ice-cold Hefeweizen.

哼……谁还敢来尝尝埃辛诺斯双刃的滋味?!Who shall be next to taste my blades?!

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我如今知道电视送饭是什么滋味了。Now I know what a Tv dinner feels like.

乐活新滋味,健康生活每一天!LOHAS new taste, healthy life every day!

第一口的滋味酸而尖锐。On first taste it is vinegary and sharp.