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“掀开你衬衫的前襟,”顾客说。"Open your shirt, " the customer said.

卡尔顿一只手仍然插在前襟里。Carton still had his hand in his breast.

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卡尔顿的手再也不回到前襟里。Carton's hand moved back to his breast no more.

她在衣服前襟上别上一朵花。She fastened a flower to the front of her dress.

岁月的风刀霜剑早已撕裂了它的前襟。Years of wind and rain have long torn its front.

“不给谁。”卡尔顿一只手仍然插在前襟里。"To no one. " Carton still had his hand in his breast.

卡尔顿右手放在前襟里,逼近他站着。Carton, with his right hand in his breast, stood close beside him.

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适用于缝制各种衬衫、西服等,尤其适合衣领、前襟等部位。Suitable for sewing shirts suits and especially for collar, front pieces.

喜庆时,有的人还在前襟别一朵红玫瑰花或精美的小花束。Happy, some people still do not breast beautiful red rose or small bouquet.

他恳求似地抓住了艾伦的外套的前襟,说得那么恳切。He spoke with a pleading earnestness, taking alan by the breast of the coat.

他身穿一套揉皱了的衣服,前襟上落满雪茄烟灰。He was wearing a crumpled suit, the front of which was smothered in cigar ash.

他的衬衫前襟是敞开的,胸前的蓝、红两色线条所构成的刺花露了出来。His shirt was open, exposing the blue and red lines of the tattoo on his chest.

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所有的这些新款婴儿背带都有单一的前襟色彩和黑色肩带。All of these new baby carriers have a single-color front and black shoulder straps.

我们扯什么记号不记号的,管它是在她前襟上还是脑门上呢?What do we talk of marks and brands, whether on the bodice of her gown, or the flesh of her forehead?

大家都伸长了脖子,看着那白衬衫前襟上闪闪发亮的宝石,目送着马车离去。There was a general craning of necks as the jewel in the white shirt front sparkled and the cab moved off.

她把校服前襟上的皱褶一遍遍地抹平,一个劲儿地拉书包的两条背带,直到萨米终于走了出来。She smoothed the front of her uniform and tugged on the straps of her backpack until, finally, Samy walked out.

买一些金属片,将其缝在无袖上衣的领口处,或是在衣服前襟缝上一个想象丰富的图案。Buy some sequins and sew them around the neckline of a sleeveless top or sew an imaginative design on the front.

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拉链前襟,延展性后背设计,轻便前弯衣袖,拉链袖口带钮扣。Zipper front, action back, slightly pre-curved sleeves, and zipper cuffs with snap. Adjustable snap tabs at waist.

适用于缝制各类衬衫、西服或类似服装,特别是衣领,前襟部位。Applicable to sewing all kinds of shirts, suits or similar clothes, especially the collar and the front of garment.

领头的怪物抓住了我披风的前襟,然后把我拽著举到了空中,它的爪子渗透了衣物和我的皮肤。The one in the lead seized me by the front of my cloak and lifted me from the ground, its claws tearing through fabric and skin.