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这火焰,就是日珥。This flame is the prominence.

日珥以各种形状出现。Prominences occur in a variety of forms.

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它的威力可是比日珥大多了。Its power, but most of the more than prominence.

第二天,这一同样的日珥看起来略微有些不同。The next day, the same prominence looked slightly different.

地球可以轻易地塞到右边那个日珥的下面空档里。The Earth would easily fit below the prominence on the right.

在上面视频中,我们可以看到5月30日发生的日珥现象。In the video embedded above, we see a solar prominence that erupted March 30.

日珥通常发生在色球层的,像太阳面的“耳环”。Prominence usually occurs in the chromosphere, such as solar surface "earrings."

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2010年3月30日,太阳动力学天文台捕捉到的日珥喷发。A prominence eruption captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory on March 30, 2010

产生日珥的能量机制仍然是一个有待研究的课题。The energy mechanism that creates a solar prominence is still a topic of research.

日珥有时候在太阳的边缘若隐若现。Dramatic prominences can sometimes be seen looming just beyond the edge of the sun.

不,那是耀斑爆发,它与日珥都是色球层上的景观。No, it was flare eruptions, which are the chromosphere and prominence on the landscape.

日珥是被太阳磁场束缚太阳表面之上的气体云。A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held just above the surface by the Sun's magnetic field.

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日珥是太阳表面上方被太阳磁场吸住的一层太阳气体云。A solar prominence is a cloud of solar gas held above the Sun's surface by the Sun's magnetic field.

作为太阳的“耳环”,日珥是一种被磁力托起的冷气团。Known as a solar filament, the loop is a cloud of relatively cool gas held aloft by magnetic forces.

科学家们估计这个日珥的温度大概在六万度左右,相对而言,这样的温度要算低了,在被抛出太阳后,它将慢慢蒸发。Scientists estimate its temperature at around 60, 000 celsius. This is relatively cool, it transpires.

黑子,太阳活动周期,以及日珥都是由太阳不断变化的磁场造成的。Sunspots , the Solar Cycle, and solar prominences are all caused by the Sun's changing magnetic field.

日珥是相对地较冷和较高密度的电离气体,并从较热和较薄的日冕之中喷射出来。温度高达六万度。Prominences are clouds of relatively cool and dense plasma escaping from the Sun's hot and thin corona.

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分析了太阳活动21周冕洞和日珥之间的一些统计关系。Some statistical relationships between coronal holes and prominence in solar active cycle 21 are analysed.

下面是日珥爆发时远紫外光谱下整个太阳的图像。Below, we can see the whole star at the time of the prominence, in the extreme ultraviolet part of the spectrum.

日冕瞬变与太阳耀斑和爆发日珥事件有密切的相关性。There are close connections between the coronal transients and the events of solar flare and eruptive prominence.