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这家公司被坏账所压倒。The company was drowned in bad debts.

他们发放的大量贷款变为坏账They ran with a lot of loans that turned out bad.

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银行发现自己背负一屁股坏账。Banks found themselves loaded down with non-performing loans.

地方政府正面对着大量坏账和烂尾项目。Local governments are faced with bad loans and failing projects.

即便是赞赏者,也无法回避中国的坏账问题。Even admirers, though, cannot fail to spot China’s bad-debt problem.

并且“坏账银行”的主意可能因为其所涉及的费用会面临重新审查。And the bad bank idea may be re-examined because of the costs involved.

坏账将迫使政府介入,并对银行进行资本重组。Bad loans could force the government to step in and recapitalize banks.

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但乔治亚州的银行却因老式贷款坏账而引爆自身。But Georgia banks blew themselves up with old-fashioned loans gone bad.

坏账的全面爆发是造成,美国经济急转直下的原因之一The collapse of this was part of the reason for a general economic collapse.

注意这个会计分录恰好与核销坏账的分录相反。Notice that this entry is exactly the opposite of the entry as uncollectible.

坏账准备是一个资产对冲账户。The Allowance for Doubtful Accounts often is described as a contra-asset account.

他们说,银行的坏账层出不穷,但金融系统的改革却裹足不前。Too many bad loans were made, they say. Financial reform didn't come fast enough.

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农行为此花费了大量精力来将坏账转移成为政府支持的资产管理公司。It took time to transfer that bad debt to a government-backed asset management company.

日本挨了整整10年近乎萧条的苦日子,原因正是没能清理好银行坏账。Japan suffered a decade-long near-depression because of its failure to clean up the banks.

从资产负债表中的应收账款项下提取的坏账准备预算额。An estimated amount of bad debts, to be subtracted from a balance sheet's accounts receivable.

此外,坏账的减记在银行的资产负债表上也造成了信贷余额的减少。Also, write-downs of bad debt show up on bank balance sheets as reductions in credit outstanding.

施先生估计,四分之一由地方投资公司借来的贷款将变成坏账。Mr Shih reckons a quarter of the borrowing already done by local investment companies will go bad.

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很多经济学者预料贷款的巨大增长可能导致大量的坏账死账增加。Many economists expect the large surge in loans to lead to a growing number of nonperforming loans.

备抵账户估价越大,记入坏账损失的当期支出就越大。The larger the valuation allowance, the larger the current charge to uncollectible accounts expense.

“坏账银行”模式,由于不良资本的真实价值不确定,政府容易买贵了。In the “bad bank” model, the government may overpay for the bad assets, whose true value is uncertain.