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油漆和涂料。Paint and stain.

油漆擦不掉。Paint won't wipe off.

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油漆未干!别坐这里。Wet paint! Don't here.

空气里散发着油漆味。The air smells of paint.

门上油漆成粉末状剥落。The door paint dusted off.

油漆还是黏的。The paint is still sticky.

他往墙上涂油漆。He daubed paint on the wall.

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油漆在严重剥落。The paint is chipping badly.

这油漆漆得很好。This paint covers very well.

这种油漆的光泽很好。This paint has a fine gloss.

一种醇酸类的经济油漆。It's a alkyds economic paint.

我内人油漆后院的篱笆。My wife painted the back fence.

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杰里米用油漆刷木头。Jeremy rubbed the wood with oil.

把油漆罐和刷子递上来。Pass up the paint pot and brush.

炎热的阳光晒得油漆起了泡。The hot sun blistered the paint.

当心,油漆会涂污的。Be careful , the paint may smear.

用刷子涂敷油漆到小的区域。Brush apply paint to small areas.

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Coops油漆壁上广告Coops Paint Building Advertisement

请不要碰未干的油漆。Please do not touch the wet paint.

油漆开始起皮剥落了。The paint is starting to peel off.