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这个曲子是即席作成的。The song was composed extempore.

你也可以作成小型的菜肉陷煎蛋饼。You can make mini frittata, too.

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我们的信心有否在我们?面作成这工呢?Has our faith done this for us and in us?

我会建议把这些条款作成一个小测验。I would suggest turning them into a quiz.

交易作成后,我们已进入了战争状态。We've struck the war-post since the trade.

樱桃在薄薄的巧克力壳中作成糖衣。Cherries enrobed in a thin chocolate shell.

一种以灯芯草茎为灯芯的动物脂肪作成的蜡烛。A tallow candle with a rush stem as the wick.

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容许我问shamwow万能布是用哪些材质作成的吗?Excuse me, what material is the ShamWow made of?

我把创新比作成登雷尼尔山。I liken innovation to an ascent of Mount Rainier.

图象的内容如迷药般蔓延,将它们作成内透式灯箱。The contents of the images extend like hallucinogen.

任何能夹在两片土司中间的东西,美国人就可以把它作成一份三明治,花生酱和果酱更是一直都深受美国人的喜爱。Peanut butter and jelly is an all-time American favorite.

成品检验之结果是否有作成记录和建档?。Are final inspection findings recorded in writing and filed?

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木匠仓促之中把这棵树作成了一个普通简陋的食槽,用来喂养牲畜。Rater, she was made into a plain and rough feed box for animals.

我们要不断作成我们的救赎﹕「应然」是现代式的。We are to continue working out our salvation—present imperative.

我们只要持定祂的话语和应许,就可信靠祂去作成大事。And when we have his word, and his promise, we can trust him to do it.

由军团菌惹起的军团菌病差错垂范肺炎的主要组作成体。Legionella caused by the Legionella disease SARS is an important part.

任何转让土地或土地权益的合同必须作成书面。Any contract transfering land or any interest in land must be in write.

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有这种护颅头圈可以作成各种护颅帽。The head-protecting ring can be made into various head-protecting caps.

此时不适合作成外在调解,协商也不会成功。It is not conducive to outer reconciliations or successful negotiations.

证明了一个半群上所有模糊同余关系作成一个格。We show that all fuzzy congruence relations on a semigroup is a lattice.