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其他的东西都会水到渠成。Everything else would then follow.

学业,家庭,事业,都是没有仔细想过就水到渠成了。Studies, family, career, they all came when they needed to.

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他相信功力到了自然水到渠成。He believes that the skill arrived natural success will come.

我决定成为一个男女平等主义者,这似乎是水到渠成之事。I decided I was a feminist and this seemed uncomplicated to me.

一切都是那么自然和随意,那么水到渠成。All seems so natural and unbending, just like everything had been ready in advance.

所以,刚开始只要先专注在打好语言的基础,其他的一切就会水到渠成。All you need to do is focus on the basics and everything else will fall into place.

王逸舟等表示中国理论水到渠成,不应急于苛求学派。And Wang Yizhou said what the"China School"really needs is the time and more study.

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中国在下一个世纪崛起为经济大国的趋势,将如水到渠成般,不会改变。China would probably become the world's largest economy sometime in the next century.

饱带干粮,晴带雨伞,点滴积累,水到渠成。Fill with dry food, Daiyu San clear, accumulated bit by bit, and conditions are ripe.

过去我一直为本身的身份而感应困惑,但此刻所有的问题都水到渠成了。I used to be very confused with my identity, but now all the problems have been solved.

他又补充说,处理器的发展是个利好消息,“这一步很有必要”,他说,“如果这步走成了,接下来的事情也会水到渠成”。"This is a necessary step, " he says. "If this can be done, the next thing can be done."

特别是今年,他的当选是无懈可击,水到渠成的。This has been a season when everything has come together to make his candidacy unimpeachable.

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一旦金融市场回稳,而且我们恢复对市场的信心,银行民营化应该就会水到渠成.Bank privatization should come once financial markets stabilize and we gain confidence in them.

罗恩·保罗意识到,这样的教育,或甚至压力,不会自动水到渠成。But Ron Paul realizes that this kind of education, or even pressure, is not going to work by itself.

在意识深处,他只是假想实际上无需尝试,事情就能水到渠成。Somewhere in his mind he just assumed things would work themselves out without actually having to try.

21世纪以来发生了很多使Donnas流行水到渠成的事儿。There were a lot of things happening in the 2000s that were in place for the Donnas to become popular.

对小毅和流星来说,坠入爱河使他们的爱情不仅甜蜜而且是水到渠成般的默契。For Xiao Yi and Liu Xing, falling in love with a man made their loves not only happier but also easier.

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现在用电脑学英语,建立个性化的生词表已经水到渠成。Now use computers to learn English and establish personalized Shengci table has been a matter of course.

作为苦行的结果,所有这些事都水到渠成,你已经在我的异像中得到喜悦。As a result of those austerities all these things have come to hand, and you have been blessed with My Vision.

每件事到头来都能水到渠成--就像几米书中的"小人物"一般--如果我们做出了正确的选择。Everything will be all right for us-as it is for the"small people"in Jimmy's books-if we make appropriate choices.