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但去年麦当劳贴水咖啡给予很好的压力。But last year, McDonald's Premium coffee got some good press.

境内市场远期价格贴水更是缩小为692个点。Within the boundaries market forward price agio is the reduction is 692 spots.

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另外,贴水扩大也吸引了部分消费者的铜库存,因为订单活动减少。In addition, the wide backwardation is attracting some consumer material, as order activity fades.

北海油田的维修保养和乌拉尔原油市场的强劲也是布伦特原油贴水收窄的重要原因。Maintenance at North Sea fields and a strong Urals crude market have also contributed to Brent's premium.

固定利率债券支付预决息票,浮动利率债券根据银行存款利率贴水支付息票。Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate.

固定利率债券支出预决息票,浮动利率债券按照银行存款利率贴水付前途票。Fixed rate bonds pay a pre-determined coupon and FRNs pay coupons at a premium above the bank's fixed deposit rate.

斯蒂芬斯公司担任财务顾问,艾伦坎宁的交易,戈德史密斯建议贴水赫尔姆斯鸟类眼睛。Stephens Inc. served as financial advisors to Allen Canning in the transaction, and Goldsmith Agio Helms advised Birds Eye.

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年终“贴水”——期货合约的到期推动商品价格走高,这也是黄金价格走高的原因之一。End of year " backwardation " – whereby expiration of futures contracts sends the commodity higher could also be a factor at play.

以仓储的经济效益来看,这意味着若加拿大重硫原油出现过剩,就会转化成WTI油价呈现贴水.By virtue of storage economics, that means that if there is surplus of Canadian heavy sours, it translates into a discount for WTI.

居民观看灭火在贴水斯特凡诺,在雅典北部郊区,星期日,2009年8月23日烧毁森林直升机下降水。Residents watch a fire fighting helicopter drop water on a burning forest at Agios Stephanos, a suburb north of Athens, Sunday, Aug. 23, 2009.

一个可能的解释就是,外汇投资者除了期望汇率变化产生的利润外,还希望得到风险贴水。One possibility is that investors demand a risk premium, separate from the better interest rate, to compensate them for investing in a foreign currency.

远期汇率也有买入价和卖出价,所以远期汇率的升水数或贴水数,也都有大小两个数。Forward exchange rate also has buying cost and sell offer, so the premium of forward exchange rate is counted or agio is counted, also have volume two number.

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在Longstaff的模型中,资产受流通限制的期限是确定的,因此可以事先按照这种规定的限制时间计算暂时不可交易的股票价格贴水的数值。In Longstaff module, the assets restricted deadline is list, so according to the restricted deadline prior to calculate agio data of temporary non-tradable share price.

相对地,距到期五或十个月的期约风险贴水全是具长期记忆、均数反转性质的非定态序列。While risk premium in nearby futures is almost all stationary, risk premium in five- and ten-month forward pricing intervals exhibits long-memory mean-reverting properties.

现货价格与远期价格不同点在于远期升水或贴水,一般人们认为这是买方获得利益或承担损失的一种方式。The difference between the spot and the forward price is the forward premium or forward discount, generally considered in the form of a profit, or loss, by the purchasing party.

比起同等的购买美元权来,投资者愿意为出售美元权支付的贴水,已经使欧元和日元都恢复到正常的水平。The premium that investors are willing to pay for the right to sell dollars, over the equivalent right to buy dollars, has reverted to normal levels for both the euro and the yen.

这意味着NDF能够以人民币最后交易价升水的水平交易,这在以往是罕见的,因为当市场预期某种货币会升值时,其NDF会以贴水成交.就目前而言,投资者似乎仍固守人民币升值预期.This means that NDFs can trade at a premium to the yuan's last traded price, a rarity in the past. NDFs bet that a currency would rise when they trade at a discount, and vice versa.

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尤其加拿大原油相对于墨西哥湾沿岸原油一定会呈大幅贴水,这意味着WTI价格实际上将低于其历史水准.You've got to see Canadian crude in particular trading at a significant discount to Gulf Coast crudes. That means WTI de facto is going to trade cheap relative to its historic norms.

基于期货卖方的交割地点选择权分析了允许两个地点交割的期货合约的升贴水设置问题。The delivery location options of futures shorters are employed to analyze the premiums and discounts setting of soybean meal futures contracts which can be delivered at two locations.