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远亲不如近邻。A good neighbour is better than a brother far off.

近邻是基于统计的分类方法。K-NN is a method of classifying based on statistics.

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远亲不如近邻。A distant relative is not as good as a near neighbour.

波兰和它的近邻立陶宛结成同盟。Poland forged an alliance with its neighbour Lithuania.

很多次,分子会和,不止一个近邻分子发生相互作用。Lots of times, molecules interact with more than one neighbor.

你们在卫生方面是近邻,而且是睦邻。You are close neighbours in health, and you are good neighbours.

担心近邻大公司的掠夺,是可以理解的。Worries about predations from the nearby giant are understandable.

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塔中是近邻、朋友,更是可靠的伙伴。Both countries are close neighbors, friends, and reliable partners.

近邻查询是位置服务的一个重要功能。K nearest neighbor queries is essential for location-based position.

提出了基于部分特征的K-近邻相似检索方法。A partial features based similarity K-NN retrieval method is proposed.

澳大利亚的小近邻将仍然是堪培拉的头痛问题。Australia's close little neighbors will remain a headache for Canberra.

俗话说“远亲不如近邻”,有个好邻居是件幸运的事。An old saying goes that a near neighbor is better than a distant cousin.

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中国和日本是一衣带水的近邻。China and Japan are close neighbours separated only by a strip of water.

他表示,泰中既是近邻又是亲戚。He noted that Thailand and China are both close neighbors and relatives.

在近邻植过树种过花?any trees or flowers in or near my neighbourhood?”If your answers are“Yes”

曾庆红说,斯里兰卡与中国是亲密友好近邻,是患难与共的朋友。Zeng Qinghong said that Sri Lanka is a close neighbor and a true friend of China.

但是外界对它落后于近邻死敌的观念依然存在。But the external perception of a city being left behind by its nearest rival remains.

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不像它的东北方的近邻,宾夕法尼亚州在我们的指标上表现不佳。Unlike many of its northeastern neighbors, Pennsylvania ranks very poorly on our list.

在迄今所知的行星之中,除了地球之外,最有可能孕育生命的是我们的近邻——火星。As far as planets go, by far the front-runner for life is our next-door neighbor, Mars.

年夜学里的友情不像你在工作或左近邻人中树立的友情那么随机和随意。Friendships made in college are less random than who you happen to work with or live near.