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怎么使眼袋变小?How to make pouch decrescent?

有什么消除眼袋的办法?What removes the measure of pouch?

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怎样才能让眼袋变小?How can ability let pouch decrescent?

怎样去除眼袋啊?把眼袋变小啊?How purify pouch? pouch decrescent ah?

为什么我的眼袋总是肿肿的?Why is my pouch always swollen swollen?

下眼袋浮肿要怎么弄没?。How should be next pouch dropsy done not?

眼袋用什么方法可以消除?With what method can be pouch eliminated?

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男生怎样去除黑色、肿胀的眼袋?Schoolboy how pouch of purify black, tumid ?

眼袋肿有什么办法消肿?Is pouch swollen what method detumescence is there?

眼袋能做手术吗,有没有什么后遗症?Can pouch become an operation, what sequela to have?

整容手术中的祛眼袋是永久性的吗?Is the dispel pouch in face-lifting operation permanent?

减少黑眼圈,幼纹和眼袋。Minimizes dark circles, reduces fine lines and puffiness.

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明显的眼袋和低沉的说话声透漏出失望的心境。There were bags under their eyes. Their voices never rose.

用遮瑕膏或粉底盖住眼袋和疤痕…Use concealer or foundation to cover up eye bags and blemishes.

卸妆后眼袋严重黑青,怎么修复?The pouch after discharge makeup is serious Hei Qing, how repair?

怎样才能去除黑眼圈、眼袋和鱼尾纹呢!How ability purify black rim of the eye, pouch and piscine end grain!

眼袋当干“幄蚕”来处理,那就不会有任何成效。Pouch as " lying silkworm " to deal with it will not have any effect.

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灰色的眼睛充满了血丝,下方垂着两个巨大的眼袋,乌黑的一片。His eyes were grey and bloodshot with huge black bags underneath them.

眼袋当成“卧蚕”来处理,那就不会有任何成效。Pouch as " lying silkworm " to deal with, it will not have any effect.

如果你有眼袋,你会吃惊的发现这个姿势还有消平眼袋的作用。Eye bags if you have them are some how magically soothing in this pose.