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我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I'll sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

我要扬弃那命定不祥的界线。I want to sublate that predestined, ominous borderline.

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总起来说,她对这二者的态度是一种“扬弃”。Her attitude toward them is both renunciation and reception.

马克思扬弃并最终超越了传统形而上学。Marx sublated and finally transcended traditional metaphysics.

从这方面看,我的伴侣仅仅因为离镇子的距离得到扬弃。In this respect, my company was winnowed by my mere distance from town.

我将要继续扬弃我所学的,而不管经验怎么说。I continue to unlearn what I learned before experience insisted otherwise.

并试图对这两种文化分别进行扬弃与整合。Meanwhile It also tries to sublate and adjust these cultures respectively.

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现代法治建设也必须在扬弃传统“礼治”的基础上进行构建。Modern legal construction must be based on traditional "rule by ceremony".

悲剧的日神因素和酒神因素这一对立在悲剧中被扬弃而归于统一。The antithesis of Apollo and Dionysus is sublated and united in tragedies.

要找出到底错在哪里,我们必须先扬弃局部性的想法。To take in what was actually wrong involves abandoning the idea of locality.

他正在扬弃他早期管理开发者的观念。He’s unlearning his earlier notions of what it means to manage his developers.

如今已到了扬弃那种家长制的降格相求政策的时刻。The time has come to turn away from the condescending policies of paternalism.

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李泽厚对苏珊·朗格理论的扬弃主要表现在他的“情感的逻辑”理论。Li's"emotional logic"theory has demonstrated the Sublation of Susanne Langer's theory.

基于科斯定理产生的排污权交易是对传统庇古理论的扬弃。The emission trading based on Coase theorem is abandonment to traditional Pigou theory.

它是对受实证主义思潮影响的古典犯罪论体系的扬弃。This system sublates the classic criminal theory system who is influenced by positivism.

有一个技巧是在设计过程中尽可能的扬弃”文本排版“。The trick then is to toss out "lorem ipsum" for as much of the design process as possible.

分析了可持续发展对现代化理论的扬弃与创新。It analyzes what sustainable development sublets and innovates the theory of modernization.

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然后,本文阐述了列斐伏尔对现代消费社会全面异化的扬弃的理解。And then, the third chapter explains discarding of alienation in modern consumption society.

这个过程就是扬弃人的异化而“占有自己的全面的本质”的辩证过程。In this process, human alienation is discarded and "his own all-round essence is possessed".

虽然共性寓于个性之中有选择与扬弃,但共性必须寓于个性之中。Though commonness exists with individuality we must develop the useful and discard the useless.