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要看穿细软衣服的人吗?A man dressed in fine clothes?

猫有一身细软的毛皮。Cats are covered with soft fur.

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可用在深色皮肤及浅色的细软毛发上。Used in deep color skin or light color soft hair.

那穿细软衣服的人,是在王宫里。No, those who wear fine clothes are in kings' palaces.

踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。It gives me an indescribable pleasant sensation to step the spongy fine sand.

刮板细度计在使用前必须用溶剂洗净擦干,在清洗时应用细软揩布。The grind gauges must be cleaned and dry by solvent with soft tissue or rags.

改性亚麻纤维细软、蓬松,可以满足高支混纺纱的纺纱要求。Modified flax fiber is fine, soft and bulgy, meeting the demand to spin fine-count blended yarn.

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接下来上帝又造了一双无比长又细软的腿,和一服超级宽的肩膀。And then God moulded long, slim legs and broad shoulders. And the angel nearly had a heart attack.

羊绒般的柔软手感纤维膨松细软,模量适中,织成的织物柔软舒适。Soft feel of cashmere fiber bulk soft, modulus moderate, woven into the fabric of the soft and comfortable.

自从来到厦门,我几乎天天都要到海滨去散步,踏在那细软的沙子上,有一种说不出来的舒适。Ever since I came to Xiamen, I've been in the habit of going for a walk along the seashore almost every day.

为了给白色衣物增加亮度,可以在清洗前用柠檬汁和小苏打将细软衣物浸泡。For brighter whites try a combination of water, lemon juice and baking soda to soak delicate items prior to washing.

那树有三层楼高,长得威武气派,却被细软的雪层层堆压,枝子都弯了。That tree has three stories tall, looks mighty impressive, but was valuables layers of snow pile pressure, branches are bent.

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撒丁岛上,细软的沙子覆盖着色调柔和的“绿宝石海岸”卡斯特尔萨多,这块充满传奇的土地,围绕在意大利岛北方的尽头。Soft dusk cloaks pastel-hued Castelsardo on Sardinia’s “Emerald Coast, ” a storied land rimming the Italian island’s northern tip.

如今,澳大利亚美丽诺羊毛更为优质、细软,在经典时尚的针织类产品中,为人们带来前所未见的多样材质。The Australian Merino wool clip is now finer and softer, allowing for never-before-seen versatility in classic and fashion knitwear.

你们出去,到底要看什么?穿着细软衣服的人么?看哪,那穿华丽衣服,奢华度日的人,是在王宫里。But what did you go out to see? A man arrayed in soft garments? Behold, those who live in splendid apparel and luxury are in royal palaces.

这些是吉他扩音器橱柜,我把它们改装成了书架,还用细软漂亮的绒毛装饰柜子的边沿。没有谁会说它们比不上真正的粉红色皮毛。These are guitar amplifier cabinets that I turned into bookshelves lined with faux fur. Nothing says "Hair Metal" more than high quality pink fur.

你们出去到底是要看什么。要看穿细软衣服的人吗。那穿华丽衣服宴乐度日的人,是在王宫里。But what went ye out for to see? A man clothed in soft raiment? Behold, they which are gorgeously apparelled, and live delicately, are in kings' courts.

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列子携带细软准备到齐国去住一阵子,出门前亲朋好友为他饯行,好不热闹。Lietse prepared luggage and was going to sojourn in the State of Qi. In the eve of leaving, his relatives and friends gave a warm farewell dinner to him.

琼斯夫人从卧室的窗子看到了所发生的一切,赶紧往包里塞了一些金银细软,从另外一条路逃走了。Mrs Jones looked out of the bedroom window, saw what was happening, hurriedly flung a few possessions into a carpet bag and slipped out of the farm by another way.

但在早晨,每当她拿着一把断了的旧梳子去梳她那一头光泽鉴人、细软如丝的头发的那片刻,她还能得到一种顾影自怜的快感。Nevertheless, when she combed her beautiful hair in the morning with an old broken comb, and it flowed about her like floss silk, she experienced a moment of happy coquetry.