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他的诗有很大部份是自由诗。A great number of his poems were free verse.

在诗歌的形式上,他大胆地运用自由诗的形式。In the form of poem , he utilizes the form of free verse bravely.

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自由诗?语法和格式上多注意些。Free-style poem? The format and grammar should be given attention.

我念了一些你的现代自由诗,我思疑到底是谁让它自由的。I've read some of your modern free verse and wonder who set if free.

我念了一些你的现代自由诗,我思疑到底是谁让它自由的。I have read some of your modern free verse and wonder who set it free.

格律诗、自由诗、散文诗是诗的三种基本体裁。Metrical poetry, free verse and prose poetry are three basic poetry genres.

除此之外,它们还能提供自由诗所无的形式美感。On top of that, they offer a formal pleasure that free verse can't provide.

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自由诗作为一种诗体,可以明显地分为两种形式,即传统体形式和现代体形式。Free verse as one kind of poetry can be obviously classified into traditional form and modern form.

现代格律诗与自由诗共同创造了百年现代汉诗的辉煌。The modern metrical poetry together with the free verse achieved the great brilliance in one-hundred-year Chinese poetry.

郭沫若的“内在韵律论”的重要意义在于,它是自由诗形式存在的理论根据。The profound significance of theory of "intrinsic rhythm" is that this theory lays basis for the existence of free verse form.

英美意象派诗歌及自由诗革命对中国新诗初期诗体建设产生了巨大影响。The British and American imagist poetry and Free Verse Revolution have exerted great influences on the early style of Chinese new poetry.

丁鲁认为,片面发展自由诗的中国新诗,正处于迷茫的困境之中。Ding Lu holds that Chinese new poetry, which has experienced a lopsided development of free verse, is caught between two horns of dilemma.

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复合体诗歌是一种新的诗歌文体样式,预示着现代诗歌文体探索、发展的方向,体现出现代自由诗在文体上的自由性和创造性。The composite style of poetry predicted a direction of development of modern Chinese poetry style and showed the freedom and creativity of modern free verse in style.

现代自由诗是在对古典格律诗的突破与继承中发展起来的,但两者表现为不同的建构模式,分属不同的情趣范畴。The modern free verse is developed on the basis of breaking through and inheriting the classical poetry. But both differ from each other in form and appreciating category.

尽管自由诗是20世纪汉语诗歌的主流诗体,但是讽刺诗采用的主要诗体是在传统的基础上适度改良了的格律诗体。Although free verse is the main poetic style of Chinese poetry in 20th century. Metre poetic style which is reformed is the most important poetic style used by ironic poetry.

意象派诗歌是英语诗歌中真正意义上的“自由诗”,但是只是对格律体英语诗歌作了并不极端的文体改良。The poetry of imagery style is the real free poem in English poems which only un-extremely reforms in writing style English poems with rules and forms of classical poetic composition.