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新春大礼送给你!Lunar New Year gift to you!

全体会员新春快乐,虎年吉祥!Happy New Year and good luck !

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祝您新春快乐!Common Wish you a happy holiday!

欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。Welcome to the New Year's Concert.

新春快乐,兔年吉祥!Happy new year, Rabbit year auspicious!

新春啊。你这君临万方的爱神的先驱。Fresh spring the herald of loves mighty king.

愿新春美景与欢悦常陪伴你新年新年!Wishing you and yours a happy happy new year.

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恭祝农历己丑牛年新春吉祥如意!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Jichou Ox Year!

学校学务虎年新春晚会。Chinese Lunar New Year Celebration Performance.

恭祝农历戊子鼠年新春吉祥!Happy Spring Festival of Lunar Wuzi Mouse Year!

这次的“贺新春杂技汇演”真是有意义啊!This " new acrobatic show" is really meaningful!

最后,恭祝在座各位新春愉快、身体健康、家庭幸福!Finally, wish all of you a happy Spring Festival.

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学校学务虎年新春海报比赛截止收件。Last day to turn in Chinese Lunar New Year posters.

贺新春,唱新春,说不完心中欢乐无限。Celebrating the new spring we are full of happiness.

学校学务虎年新春海报比赛开始收件。First day to turn in Chinese Lunar New Year posters.

学校学务公布虎年新春海报比赛优胜者名单。Post Chinese Lunar New Year Posters Contest results.

祝你新春快乐,岁岁安怡!I wish you a happy Chinese New Year, but each Anlene!

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祝您新春快乐,身体健康,万事如意!Wish you a happy holiday, healthy body, all the luck!

祝您新春快乐,身体健康,万事如意!I wish you a happy New Year, good health and good luck!

欢迎各位出席民政事务局庚寅年新春酒会。Welcome to the spring reception of the Home Affairs Bureau.