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他喜欢吃涮羊肉…He likes instant-boiled mutton.

我建议吃涮羊肉。Let me suggest the boiled mutton.

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咱们去吃涮羊肉,你们意下如何?How do you think the instant-boiled mutton?

我们找个地方吃点涮羊肉吧。Let’s find a place to eat some Shuanyangrou.

涮羊肉怎么样?这是这里最好的。How about mutton hot pot? It's the best dish here.

可我一想到涮羊肉就有点头疼。But I have a headache at the thought of eating mutton.

我知道东来顺的涮羊肉名扬四海。"Shuan Yangrou" of Dong-Lai-Shun is world renowned I know.

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谁还真的需要天天涮羊肉吃海鲜吗?As such, who would like to have mutton and seafood every day?

一家人围着电火锅吃涮羊肉。The family are eating instant-boiled mutton around an electric dish.

我建议吃涮羊肉,这是这家餐厅的特色之一。Let me suggest boiled mutton. It's one of the specialities of this restaurant.

东来顺的“涮羊肉”历史悠久,风味独特,深受群众喜爱。Donglaishun's "Mutton Hotpot " has a long standing history and is loved by many people for its special taste.

公元1854年,北京前门外正阳楼开业,是汉民馆出售涮羊肉的首创者。In 1854, Zhengyang Restaurant was open outside Qianmen in Beijing and became the first Han restaurant offering Mongolian Hot Pot.

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清朝御花园——颐和园和北海,还可品尝到正宗的北京烤鸭、涮羊肉。The Manchu Dynasty resists garden- Summer Palace and the North Seas, can also taste Peking of the orthodox school to roast duck, rinse the mutton.

以前主要是涮羊肉,因为薄薄的羊肉片放在锅里一烫就熟了,容易保持肉的鲜美。People used to have mutton for the dish because the thin slice of mutton can be easily cooked in a few minutes without losing its tenderness and freshness.

是水温热到可以洗澡、煮水饺、川烫青江菜、涮羊肉的泉水就称之为温泉,听着可能觉得不可思议,但是这都是现实存在的。Is the water warm enough to bathe, cook dumplings, Sichuan hot greens, boiled mutton is called the spring on the spring, listening may feel weird, but this is real.

除生鱼片、寿司外,日式料理的名菜还有铁板烧、天妇罗、蘸生鸡蛋吃的牛肉火锅和类似中国涮羊肉的牛肉水锅。In addition to the Japanese sashimi, sushi cooking dishes and teppanyaki, tempura, dip in eggs beef hot pot and similar Chinese instant-boiled mutton beef water pot.

重庆秦妈火锅主要经营香辣虾、炝锅鱼、香辣鱿鱼虾、清真涮羊肉锅、味道鲜美、价格低廉、环境优雅。Ma Qin, Chongqing hot pot main business spicy shrimp, Qiang pan fish, shrimp spicy squid, Muslim Shuan Yangrou pot, taste delicious, inexpensive and elegant environment.