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未知的千里眼。请报告此错误!Unknown pounce event. Please report this!

互联网最新动态新闻,站长的千里眼和顺风耳。Latest internet news, webmaster of the eyes and ears.

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他们都是上级首长的“千里眼,顺风耳”。They are "the eyes and ears" of the higher commanders.

和千里眼见面有必要预约吗?Why do you need to make an appointment with a clairvoyant?

我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant.

人们常说,爱情是瞎子而友情是千里眼。It is said that love is blind but friendship is clairvoyant.

灰尘是在他的指甲下以及在他的眼睛里的千里眼。The dirt is under his nails and the clairvoyance in his eyes.

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技术侦察兵必须成为高级首长的千里眼顺风耳。The monitors must be forward ears and eyes to the top leaders.

但是这样的“先知”、“千里眼”毕竟是凤毛麟角。But there is precious little sign that such clairvoyance exists.

阿千里眼检查我们的身体精神力量中心。随着10彩板。A clairvoyant examines the spiritual force centers in our body. With 10 color plates.

他求助于各种迷信的方式,如抽签、千里眼、预感和解梦等。He had recourse to every superstition of sortilege, clairvoyance, presentiment, and dreams.

“千里眼”旁边的凉伞将军,是当妈祖巡游时,为妈祖挡风摭雨的守护神。Near thousand-mile Eye is Parasol Admiral, a tutelary god who protects Mazu from rain and wind.

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我是一流的讣告写手,因为我是千里眼。我传递的信息可能来自灵界。I am an excellent obituary writer because I am clairvoyant. My Messages could come from the spiritual world.

对于后视镜内的景物司机们经常会视而不见,但是如果加入到自动化车队,他们就有如长了千里眼。People often miss them in their rearview mirrors, but to automated cars they will be as visible as an 18-wheeler.

不高兴时,他就不读,捧着书本坐在那里装样子,这可都逃不过我的千里眼和顺风耳。Happy, he will not read books, and hold a pretence of, this can be used to sit there all escape my amiable breeze ear.

“遥视”这个术语呈现出总体性的速记,去描述这个建筑物,从而接近千里眼。The term "remote viewing" emerged as a generalised short hand to describe this more structured approach to clairvoyance.

此幅画,是千里眼和顺风耳出南天门后,按住云头,仔细观听的场面。This scene shows how Thousand-mile Eye and Wind-accompanying Ear observe and listen carefully outside the Southern Gate.

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玉皇大帝立即命千里眼,顺风耳天南天门观看。二将奉玉皇旨意出南天门。He hurriedly sent two subjects, Thousand-mile Eye and Wind accompanying Ear outside the Southern Gate to listen and observe.

一份1995年的研究成果综述总结称“尚不清楚千里眼这种超自然现象的存在是否得到证实。”A 1995 review of the research concluded it was "unclear whether the existence of a paranormal phenomenon, remote viewing, has been demonstrated".

从占星术、千里眼术到新世纪神秘主义、另类疗法,这些貌似无伤大雅、实际上完全非理性的活动人气非常旺盛。Apparently harmless but utterly irrational belief systems from astrology to New Age mysticism, clairvoyance to alternative health remedies are booming.