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谢谢您,可敬可亲的朋友!Thank you, amiable honorable friends!

我觉得他可敬可亲极了。I think him every thing that is worthy and amiable.

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我的可亲可爱可敬的父母亲。These are my kindly, lovely and respectable parents.

整个早晨充满和霭可亲的气氛。The atmosphere of the entire morning was in an amicable.

这位护士总是以蔼然可亲的态度对待伤病员。The nurse always treated the sick and wounded with kindness.

周立波是可亲的人民作家,也是可敬的人民编辑家。Zhou Libo is an amiable writer and editor of people as well.

一季春光,有你的歌声和你的可亲的面容而春暖花开。Spring season, have your voice and your amiable face and spring.

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印度国企也差不多,只不过相比中国少了几分能力,多了几分可亲。But India, more cuddly and less competent, is not too dissimilar.

魔鬼常以一种可亲的姿态出现在人类面前。Devil often presents itself a friendly disguise in front of mankind.

制物主好尽是驯良可亲且慈悲的,是您一背所具有的。God is more gentle and compassionate that you would ever hold possible.

若是天天都对着统一小我驯良可亲会使人的神经解体的。It destroys one's nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.

我的客户大多友善可亲,不至于到尴尬的地步。Most of my customers are friendly, though not to the point of awkwardness.

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在她看来,沙与草这两个造物就像两位可亲的神祗。These two creatures, sand and short grass, seem to her like two sweet gods.

正如他所有的朋友都认为的那样,他非常热心、可亲、慷慨。As all his friends agree, he was unusually warm-hearted, loving and generous.

那些善于拉拢粉丝的明星们都有一招能让他们的追随者认为他们如朋友一样可亲。Fan-friendly stars have a way of making their admirers feel as close as friends.

母性的慈爱,可亲可爱的美德,慈善旷达是上天赋予女人的天性。Maternal kindness, amiable virtues and gentle philisophy are women's inborn nature.

澳洲是这么可亲,只要用锄头逗她发痒,她就会带着收获笑逐颜开了。Australia is so kind that, just tickle her with a hoe, and she laugh with a harvest.

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暖羊羊驯良可亲,是喜羊羊班上的班主任教员。She is a docile and kind female goat who is class president to Pleasant Goat's class in school.

我跟本不相疑这类话,如果他果然蔼然可亲,就该跟郎格太太说话啦。I do not believe a word of it, my dear. If he had been so very agreeable, he would have talked to Mrs.

我从返回霎哈嘉德8年来有幸认识的瑜伽士兄弟姐妹们也一样的可亲可爱。The yogi's and yogini's I have had the pleasure of knowing since returning 8 years ago are just as dear.