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这个罐子得封严实了。The jar must be well sealed.

大雾把山水景色笼罩了个严实。A fog abolished the landscape.

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门板间密封条美观,严实。Beautiful and tight seal between door leaf.

我们必须要有一个严实的船体,这样才不会沉。We must have a tight ship, so we do not sink.

柔软盖板,盖合严实不泄露。Soft pliable lid provides leak resistant seal.

这个盖子严实地盖在奶瓶上,保持奶嘴无菌。This top fits over the bottle and keeps the teat sterile.

北风吹得越凛冽,那个人把衣服裹得越严实。The harder the north wind blows, the tighter the man wraps himself.

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严实覆盖物可以锁住水分防止洋葱完全晒干。Heavy coverings will trap moisture and keep the onions from drying fully.

楼内无柱,梁架结构简洁,联结严实。Column-free building, the simple structure of the Liang Jia, Yan Shi link.

不管怎么说吧,你都是死路一条。所以,你最好还是把宇航服的面罩给扣严实了!Still, no matter what, you're dead. Best to keep that spacesuit helmet closed.

在中国,我房子的前门很重、很严实,而在英国,是简装的门。My Chinese front door is very heavily constructed. In the UK these are quite flimsy.

现在任何性感的东西都给人不好的感觉,而成熟严实的廓形则正是反性感的。Anything cute feels bad right now. A grown-up, covered-up silhouette is the anti-cute, ' said Mr.

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可生产无尘纸、无纺布的湿巾产品,包装严实。It can produce wet towel with air-laid paper, non-woven fabric and the packaging is round-sealed.

像书本封面一样的盖子本意是保护阅读器,但盖上后很不严实,经常会掉下来。The book-like cover, intended to protect the device, attaches so weakly that it's always falling off.

她们必须穿上免费的严实衣服覆盖住除了手脸以外的其他部分。They must wear free and non-transparent clothes that will cover the entire body except hands and face.

还应该确认外穿的衣服是用防水和严实编织的材料制成的。Also make sure outerwear out-of-wear is made of water resistant resistent and tightly knit mint material.

这些涵管几乎将大门堵了个严实,只在一边留出了仅容一人通行的缝隙。These culverts will be almost out of the gate block agents, the only side left only one person can access holes.

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棉布可以防止太阳把洋葱完全晒干。不要担心下雨,不要使用塑料或帆布覆盖。严实覆盖物可以锁住水分防止洋葱完全晒干。And do not use a plastic or canvas sheet. Heavy coverings will trap moisture and keep the onions from drying fully.

苹果树的旁边,是一口关不严实的鲜果箱,也许能从里面摸到个把苹果。Beside the apple-tree stood a sort of fruit-house, which was not securely fastened, and where one might contrive to get an apple.

他的父亲,拥有一点学前的德语能力,给他的儿子进行了翻译,那个信息条上还是用玻璃纸和一个医用绷带包裹,甚为严实。His father, who knows schoolboy German, translated the letter, carefully wrapped in cellophane and sealed with a medical bandage.