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我以及他都面生玛丽。He and I don't know Mary.

我觉得他很面生。I just think he is wicked.

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这个人面生得很。I don't think I've seen this person before.

一切都是面生的了。好想回到童年时代!Easy to want to return to the childhood times!

在栅栏�面生长著许多高贵但是看起来很高傲的花。There stood within the palings several grand, stiff-looking flowers.

史姑娘夫人是我的伴侣,但我纯粹面生她夫婿。Mrs. Smith is a friend of mine, but I don't know her husband from Bdam.

我认为在网上告知一个面生人家庭的事情不平安。I don't think it is safe for us to tell a stranger of our family online.

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当我说熟悉你的时,我是说我熟悉昨天的你。我面生现在的你。When Isay Iknow you, I mean Iknew you yesterday. I do not know you actually now.

拟对该问题展开研究并提出一个有效的离散曲面的等距面生成算法。The paper studies the problem and proposes an effective discrete offset surface generation algorithm.

离散曲面的等距面生成问题是一个不同于传统的等距面计算的新问题。Offset surface of a discrete surface is a new problem, differing from the traditional offsetting surface computation.

提出了基于有限元的模具分型线确定方法和基于几何推理的模具分型面生成方法。A mesh based determination method for parting line and a GBR based generation method for parting surface are presented.

本研究系采用地籍图扫瞄影像档由面生成线,线简化成点使其保有其向量式位相关系。This research uses the images of cadastral maps to vectorize parcel polygons as lines and points which still hold the topology.

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现有等距面生成算法因未考虑折痕和边界的特殊情况,当折痕或边界存在时将会生成与预期结果有较大差别的等距面。Using the existing algorithms which did not consider the crease or the border, we may receive different results other than what we expect.

就来自于这一章,来自于这个既可以,翻译为“从上面生“,也可以翻译为“重生“的“,希腊语词汇It comes from this chapter right here, and it comes from a Greek word that could be just as easily translated "be born from above" as "be born again."

本文介绍了采用高温热台显微镜,通过二次曝光显微摄影,测定KTP各晶面生长速度的方法。This paper introduces a method for the determination of individual faces of KTP crystal by high temperature microscope adopting 2-time exposure microphotography.

然而,它的符咒的效力依旧,使那可怜的牧师死在上面的刑台和海丝特·白兰居住过的海边茅屋都令人望面生畏。Its spell, however, was still potent, and kept the scaffold awful where the poor minister had died, and likewise the cottage by the sea-shore, where Hester Prynne had dwelt.

断口扫描观察表明,试样破断是由于腐蚀隧洞沿滑移面生长并受到拉伸撕裂所致。Fractured surface scanning observation showed that the breakage in specimen resulted from the corrosion tunnels generating along slip planes and being torn by tensile stress.

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用阴影法和光学显微镜观察等方法揭示了BSO晶体中深色核芯与生长取向、界面形状及小面生长之间的关系。The relationships among the darkened cores in the BSO crystals, growth direction, interface shape and growth of facets were revealed by methods of shadowgraph and microscopy.

应用计算几何中的三维直纹面生成原理,对机器人末端执行器的位置和姿态进行统一描述。The unified description of the parallel robots end-effector positions and orientations was based on the three-dimension ruled surfaces generating method in computational geometry.

针对有限元分析数据场的特点,提出了一种四面体剖分方法,并采用了一种快速搜索的数据结构,显著地减少了计算时间,有效地实现了有限元后处理程序中的等值面生成。According to the feature of FEM data fields, an effective method of isosurface generation is presented utilizing the subdivided tetrahedron and the data structure for the fast searching.