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我固然会来。Of course I'll come.

固然可以。我的名儿叫拜伦。Sure. My name is Byron.

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我固然乐于保持这趟门开著。I'd love to keep the door open.

但这一理念固然尤其缺点。But these ideas have shortcomings.

出生固然重要,但教养更重要。Brith is much, but breeding is more.

本人对他讲的话,固然逆耳,倒是忠言。I talk to him with brutal frankness.

固然他很老,但仍然努力地工作。H is vry old, but h still works vry hard.

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女性固然有一套玩弄辞藻的办法。The woman certainly has a way with words.

因为射箭者固然爱那飞出的箭。For even as He loves the arrow that flies.

固然家庭对此经常耍笑了。Although the family often joked about that.

他固然身体不好,可是任务起来很卖力气。He worked hard, though still poor in health.

大学的名字固然重要,但是,name of the university is also important but

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成功固然好,但是戏剧性已经深入骨髓。Success is good, but drama is their lifeblood.

固然偶想要流淌满杯的爱。I want a cup that overflows with love although.

看到有人穿着不拘一格固然是好事。It is nice to see someone dressing differently.

固然如此,胜利属于印度,希看终有一天我的国家能幡然醒悟。Still, Jai hind and Let my country awake one day.

博览群书对于个人成长固然有用。You can read plenty of books for personal growth.

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固然会使筋疲力尽,但是也相当安慰!Exhausting and at the same time, over stimulating!

他固然是个好色的纨绔子弟,但身手矫捷,精明能干。He is a lewd of a dandy, but admits skill, shrewd.

固然也可以用在水面舰只间的作战。It could also be used in ship-to-ship engagements.