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公演调整很重要。Post-show adjustments r key.

人生在世,其实只是彩排,为未来公演之日作准备。Life on earth is just the dress rehearsal before the real production.

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那出戏首次公演之夜观众达万人之多。The audience on the opening night of the play reached to ten thousand.

如果你们演得好,还可以在学校艺术节上公演。If you do a good job, you can put on the play at the school theater festival.

两个节目的首次公演都在2005年9月,而且两者都由马克·伯内特制作。Both shows premiered in September 2005, and both were produced by Mark Burnett.

演员克莱尔·丹尼斯将在星期六公演的HBO电影中扮演葛兰汀。Now actress Claire Danes is playing Grandin in an HBO movie airing on Saturday.

NBC的喜剧“威尔与格蕾丝”,1998年首次公演,是另一座文化里程碑。NBC's comedy "Will & Grace," which premiered in 1998, is another cultural milestone.

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年代测定是1783年,这剧院首次公演莫扎特的歌剧“费加罗的婚礼和唐•乔瓦尼。”Dating to 1783, the theater premiered Mozart's operas The Marriage of Figaro and Don Giovanni.

约翰史特劳斯最著名的华尔滋圆舞曲「色多瑙河」维也纳音乐会首度公演。The Blue Danube, " Johann Strauss' most famous waltz, premiered at a public concert in Vienna."

此剧公演后随即便取得了空前的成功并持续激励著数代基督徒。The oratorio was an immediately success and has continued to inspire generations of Christians.

投票站那里是拥挤不堪的人群,仿佛是某部电影的首次公演。There was quite a crush of people at the polling station, as if it was the premier of some movie.

百老会音乐剧我的美丽天使首度伦敦公演。The Broadway musical My Fair Lady has opened for its first night in London, to a rapturous reception.

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通过耳机,他们听取了事先录制好的爵士四重奏伴奏,以模拟真实公演。Through earphones, they listened to a prerecorded jazz quartet accompaniment, to simulate a real gig.

这场秀由“从西天到中土——印中学者高峰对话”赞助,并在两地进行公演,其中包括一栋靠近上海美术馆的办公大楼的入口处。was on view at two locales, including the entrance to an office building near the Shanghai Art Museum.

妮娜准备在纽约林肯艺术中心公演的“天鹅湖”中一人分饰两角——白天鹅和黑天鹅。Nina is poised to step into the dual role of Odette and Odile in “Swan Lake” at New York's Lincoln Centre.

“我们为祖国歌唱”,这个他在30年前写的剧,在他最初的政治公演中还受到责骂。"We Shall Sing for the Fatherland", a play he wrote 30 years ago, was once rated among his least political.

所以,每个月都有戏剧公演,每逢节日更加热闹,甚至搭起台子唱对台戏。Every month we had play performance in public. It will be more lively when festivals, people even had rival show.

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这是将初次公演在肯尼迪中心家庭剧院,执行戏剧和音乐会为孩子的新的生产。This is a new production th at will premiere at the Kennedy Center Family The ater, which performs plays and concerts for children.

生气的露拉走在路上,看到小情侣们嬉闹的一幕,却突然联想到公演那天,应该是贤硕捂住了自己的眼睛。Angry dew away on the road, see small couples frolic scene, suddenly think of opening day, should be good to recognize his own eyes.

此后,莫里哀成为国王最喜欢的戏剧家,经常在宫中演出新剧目,甚至是在公演之前。Henceforward Molière became one of the King's favourite playwrights , often performing new plays at Court even before staging them in public.