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1793年起法国有名无实的国王。Titular king of France from 1793.

特里大笑着说,“你只不过是这个考察队的一个有名无实的小头目。”You’re just the figurehead for this expedition.

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爸爸的节假日有名无实,整个假期他都呆在办公室。My father spent a busman's holiday working in his office.

爸爸的假日“有名无实”,整个假期他都呆在办公室。My father spent a busman's holiday working in his office.

汤姆叔叔的假日有名无实,整个假期他都在办公室。Uncle Tom spent a busman's holiday working in his office.

尽管一些资深官员说他只是个有名无实的人物。Even some senior officials now say he is a mere figurehead.

他想真正爬上他父亲那有名无实的地位——做到曼克奈斯没有做到的事。He wanted to be, in fact, what his father was only in name -to succeed where Magnus had failed.

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在英国民主下的总统角色是有名无实的。The role of the president is largely an honorary one modelled after that of the British monarchy.

还有,更为重要的是,这将使得伊拉克成为一个不仅仅是一个有名无实的国家。And, ultimately, it will fall to Iraqis to build a nation that is more than just a country in name.

封入物将被维护在一个有名无实的温度105.0℉在中四小时期间。The enclosure shall be maintained at a nominal temperature of 105.0℉throughout the four-hour period.

国王有名无实,而首相很有权力并实行世袭制。The king was made a titular figure, and the post of Prime Minister was made powerful and hereditary.

李宗仁将军被抬得高高的,当上了有名无实的委员长北平行辕主任。General Li Tsung-jen was kicked upstairs and made titular head of the generalissimo's bureau in Peiping.

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他们往往不过是有名无实,坐不了多久就要把交椅让给其他的公司老手。They are often mere figureheads who serve for a short time before handing the baton to other old company hands.

一个人面对反对意见,他的反应应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

一个人面对反对意见,其举措应当像除了他自己之外,其它的一切都是有名无实的过眼烟云。A man is to carry himself in the presence of all opposition, as if every thing were titular and ephemeral but he.

有许多有名无实的自由市场者,但他们并不妨碍哪些政策的执行。There are lots who are nominally free market, but they haven’t been aggressive about implementing those policies.

原来田树才一直喜欢着花红,认为反正大哥和花红是有名无实,干脆就让花红跟了自己吧。The original tree has been a field love bonus, think anyway, big brother and the bonus is a bonus, let yourself with the.

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本文结合实例,探讨了此类有名无实定语从句翻译的一些具体方法。Based on some practical examples, some translating methods of such titular attributive clauses are discussed in this paper.

但当我把这向父亲提出时,他确信这是个了不起的想法---火车旅行是有名无实的!But when I discoursed on it to my father he was sure it was a splendid idea--travelling by railroad was not worth the name!

凌骁的表哥赵震楠留学回国后,一直是家族企业有名无实的负责人,因此他开始变得放纵自己。Ling Xiao cousin Zhao Zhennan returned students, has always been the head of the family firm nominally, so he began to indulge.