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军队的后方勤务工作,须重新调整。The army's rear services should be readjusted.

值护航警卫勤务之士兵拥有被保护地位。Soldiers on duty as safeguards occupy a protected status.

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武警勤务是中国人民武装警察部队中心工作之一。The Armed Police service is one of the central tasks of CAPF.

住在小路附近的人们把人力车当作24小时的救护勤务。People in the lanes use rickshaws as a 24-hour ambulance service.

设计了油料勤务模拟训练系统框架。The paper designs POL service simulation training framework system.

其三,陆航是战场勤务保障的“多面手”。Third, the battlefield is the army's duty to protect " all-rounder ."

成百上千的护士、医生、勤务人员出入其中,他们有时也会出差错。With hundreds of nurses, doctors and orderlies racing around, mistakes happen.

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从水勤务面板空气活门断开空气压力源。Disconnect the air pressure source from the air valve at the water service panel.

阿林厄姆的工作是一名机械师,为空军勤务服务,修复坠落的飞机部件。Allingham?s job as a mechanic was to service aircraft and recover parts from downed planes.

为提高护理士官卫生勤务保障能力,适应新时期军队需要,要重视对护理士官的教育。In order to enhance the ability of NNCO's sanitation service, adapt to new age military's need.

从长远看,应当考虑建立起社区民警专业化的勤务模式。From a long-term vision, a professional duty model should be established for community police officers.

结论参加勤务中心实习使护生热爱劳动,关心病人的服务意识普遍增强。Conclusion Service office practice can make student nurses love work and improve their conscience to care patient.

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医院的勤务要求她提供证明文件,她打昏了那家伙,然后找到威斯勒的私人物品,拿到了其手机。The orderly asks for documentation, so she knocks the guy out and grabs Whistler's cell phone from his belongings.

经过批准的飞行,有关的机场和部门应当认真做好组织指挥和勤务保障工作。The aerodromes and departments concerned shall render effective organization, command and support to approved flights.

而现今美俄在太空的活动中,空间行走被视为是一个必不可少的日常勤务工作。But the nowadays US and Russia in the outer space activity, space walk regard as are an essential running service work.

与其它父母轮流担任接送勤务,是减少交通拥挤的好方法,可以降低废气排放和节省燃料费。Sharing the school-run with a roster of parents is a great way to cut congestion, reduce emissions and save on your fuel bill.

固定目标执勤,主要是担负警卫、守卫、守护、看押、看守和巡逻等勤务。Guard duties at fixed points chiefly mean among others security guard watch and ward prison and detention guard escort and patrol.

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我们尽可能在设计T拐的过程中贯彻执行专家们在训练工作中取得的经验并使其外形符合警察勤务的要求。We have fully implemented their experiences gained in the training and the requirements of police work into the shape of this tonfa.

就在全国马球联赛开始前,陆军勤务中心学校为特殊需求的儿童们服务。The Army Service Corps Center and College, catered to children with special needs just before the start of their national polo tournament.

如反恐官员最近表示的那样,“如果降落并发现这不过像一趟啥事没有的勤务飞行,然后就可以偷偷撤回来,没有人会知道。”As the counterterrorism official put it recently “If you land and everybody is out on a milk run then you get the hell out and no one knows.”