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他把他的这首诗歌叫做打油诗。He styled his poem doggerel.

这首打油诗没有标明作者是谁。The doggerel doesn't filiate itself.

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后人将这类诗歌称为“打油诗”。Descendants of such poetry as "doggerel."

这个所谓诗作者主要写打油诗。This rhymster has written mainly doggerel.

或者上帝为了使你高兴而抛出一首五行打油诗。Or God will toss off a limerick for your pleasure.

她写严肃题材的诗歌,但也喜欢创作打油诗。She wrote serious poetry, but also loved composing limericks.

打油诗文体源于文人诗歌的俗化和大众诗歌。Doggerel comes from popularized scholar poetry and folk poetry.

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然后到图书馆或上网查找更多的打油诗。Then look in the library or on the Internet to find more limericks.

写英语打油诗娱乐一下,其实这是很简单的写作,给大家举个例子。Write a doggerel in English, and the following is a simple example.

你不认为那个诗人写的只是打油诗吗?。Do you agree that the poet had seldom written anything but doggerel?

拉金自己对这一点有清醒认识,他将一系列诗命名为“在打油诗中跳舞”。Larkin himself was aware of this, entitling one series "Dances in Doggerel".

这些打油诗是轻松幽默地面对困境的例证,还是无限性痴呆的临床表现?Were the limericks examples of light-hearted humor in the face of unblinking adversity?

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打油诗,社会语言学,对外汉语教学,第二语言习得。Satiric Poems, Sociolinguistics, Chinese as a Foreign Language, Second Language Acquisition.

这种叫做五行打油诗的诗歌的名字“limerick”来源于爱尔兰的利默里克郡。Of course the poetry form called limerick takes its name from the Irish city called Limerick.

在中风前,咸尔逊痴迷于打油诗。可是中风后他的打油诗又意味着什么呢?Wilson was obsessed with limericks prior to his stroke, but what about the post-stroke limericks?

上面这首五行打油诗的作者是杰西·弗兰柯维奇,选自一个名叫“五行打油诗创世英语词典”的网站。That’s by Jesse Frankovich and from a website called The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form.

更糟糕的是,打算通过写诗赚钱的诗人最终只能写出有韵律的打油诗,这时他已经失败了,同时他开始痛恨写诗。Even worse, poets that try to get paid end up writing jingles and failing and hating it at the same time.

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这些奇怪的战士用生活的一个可怕打油诗文的他们受害人的外皮用布帘复盖他们自己。These grotesque warriors drape themselves with the skin of their victims in a horrid parody of the living.

小孩子们喜欢它摇篮曲和打油诗那种幽默说唱组合的风格,这也是一种学习。Little ones love its mix of lullabies and limericks, humor and sing-song verse, and they learn from it too.

所以妞宝宝在博客上发表的打油诗创作虽新,但该诗体的历史还是源远流长的。So, little girl baby in a blog published doggerel creation is new, but the verse of the history or the long-standing.