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我是译名公司职员。I am an office clerk.

但译名室的人理解其工作的严肃性所在。But the office grasps the seriousness of its role.

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很抱歉!部份名称未能提供中文译名。It is sorry that some titles are not available in English.

这份宣言的签名是安德鲁·贝里克,是嫌疑犯安德斯·贝林·布雷维克的英文译名。The manifesto was signed Andrew Berwick, an Anglicized version of his name.

从译学研究的思维方式看,“通天塔”与“巴别塔”就不仅是个译名问题了。The two names can be seen as metaphors of two approaches to translation studies.

当有人请求做个新译名的时候,李纯说他首先会在数据库中查询。When a request for a new name comes in, Mr. Li says he first checks it in the database.

要是把这份工作留给一个草率的翻译,做译名可能引来一大堆麻烦。Left in the hands of an imprudent translator, name creation can cause a heap of trouble.

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本文论述英美国俗术语译名的准确性问题。This article discusses the accuracy in translating some Anglo American terms into Chinese.

在测量影片的魅力值,影片的译名无疑起着非常大的作用。The translation of film titles plays an undoubtedly important role in adding charm to films.

对大汉语圈而言,要区分专名、科技术语和普通语词三种范围的多译名,分别对待。In the big mandarin area, we should differentiate proper noun, technical terms and common words.

尽管译名室力图使译名与原名读音相近,但他们的翻译有时仍可能造成短暂的混乱。As hard as the office tries to match sounds, the translations can sometimes create momentary mix-ups.

商标译名成功与否直接影响产品的销售。The success or failure of trademark translated version has a direct effect on the sale of the product.

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因此,中餐菜单的英文译名在传播中华饮食文化上起着非常关键的沟通作用。So the English translation of Chinese menus plays a key role in spreading the traditional Chinese culture.

在近代中国,很多人就科技译名统一实践工作要点问题进行了讨论。In modern China many people discussed on the keys of practical work of standardizing the translated terms in sciences.

译名室成立于上世纪50年代,是当时标准化和统一全国语言工作的一部分。The Proper Names Translation Office was founded in the 1950s as part of an effort to unify and standardize the country.

译名室过去依靠编写卡片,现在则拥有一个供全中国媒体参考使用的电脑数据库。Once reliant on card catalogs, the office now maintains a computer database that's used as a reference for all Chinese media.

本文从品牌译名的方式入手,分析品牌名称翻译这种具有特殊意义和功能的专用符号的翻译。The present study largely derives from a feeling of increasing unease about the status quo of Chinese brand-name translation.

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四个国家级消防产品检测中心已分别有各自的英文译名,并且有的已注册使用。The four national fire product inspection centers already have their own English names, some of which are registered and in use.

尽管他们的同胞都孜孜求出名,译名室的翻译们却满足于这种少为人知的成就。While their countrymen tumble and dive for fame, the translation office's members take satisfaction from less-visible achievements.

本条目为阿拉伯联合大公国网际网路国际化国家及地区顶级域名,故无中文译名。This article is the Internationalized country code top-level domain of the United Arab Emirates, so there is NO Chinese translation.