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真的吗?什么告示板?Oh really? What bulletin board?

我看见墙上贴满了告示。I saw a wall posted over with notices.

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他们忘记水泥还湿着就直接从那走过来贴告示了!He walked across that wet cement over there.

妙戈还说会贴出告示。Also said that will be posted on the bulletin.

我在TA网上贴了一张这个告示板的照片。I have posted a photo of this signboard on TA.

我昨天在告示板上看到你们的广告。I saw your Ad on the bulletin board yesterday.

小费罐,根据告示是没有义务给的。Tip jars, according to Post, carry no obligation.

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我注意到你们在街上贴的招聘告示了。I noticed you had a help wanted sign in the street.

我在一个电脑告示板上认识了我的女朋友。I met my girlfriend through a computer bulletin board.

他负气地说着手指着墙上的告示。He said it angrily, pointing at the notice on the wall.

情况已经非常严重,市政府已经张贴告示警告过路者。It is so bad that the city posts signs to warn passerbys.

那五常让算命先生代写应战告示。The Wuchang let the fortune teller to write with notices.

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人民法院会贴出告示传唤被告。People court can stick an annunciate subpoena the accused.

这些资料已全部张贴于校内的告示板上。This information is posted on the notice boards on campus.

告示上说你们提供食宿,对吗?The notice said that your provide board and lodging, right?

一有班机抵达时,告示板上会出现通知。When a flight arrives, an announcement appears on the board.

徐良还说,上周五,一名员工在墙上发现了该告示。Xu said one employee found the note on the wall last Friday.

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持续查看告示板,看看他的班机是否耽搁了。Keep checking the board to see if his flight has been delayed.

还有一个告示板在校园的另一边。There another one of these boards on the other side of campus.

每一道门都有告示标贴以说明哪一道门会开。Sign stickers are seen on each door to show which door to open.