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男人最可贵的是有一个贤淑的妻子。Man's best possession is a loving wife.

玛丽是一位贤淑慈祥、守极佳的。Mary was a virtuous high-principled lady.

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她有一双大大的眼睛,透露着聪慧与贤淑。She has a pair of big eyes, a wise and virtuous.

许多贞洁贤淑的娘儿们,都是这样蒙上了不白之冤。And many worthy and chaste dames even thus, All guiltless, meet reproach.

你最大的天赋是天生待人处事的贤淑,这个天赋你运用得那么聪明和恰到好处。But your greatest gift was you intuition and it was a gift you used wisely.

她是个贤淑的女人,而且是我所能选到的最漂亮的儿媳妇。She is a fine woman and the most beautiful daughter-in-law I could have asked for.

出身于知识分子家庭信奉上帝的我,端庄文静,善良贤淑有修养,爱好广泛。From a family of intellectuals, I believe in God, there is cultivation of virtuous kind.

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当贤淑得知东株曾经抢先一步卖掉了化装品的技术,很欣喜。When the virtuous east strains that once one-up sold the cosmetic technology, very happy.

父亲是一所女子学校的教员,母亲是一个贤淑的中产阶级家庭妇女。His father was a teacher in a girl's school and his mother was a devoted middle class hausfrau.

父亲是一所女子学校的教员,母亲是一个贤淑的中产阶级家庭妇女。His father was a teacher in a girl's school and his mother was a devoted middle? class hausfrau.

贤淑经营一个小的生鱼片餐厅和床和早餐在岛上谋生。Hyeon-sook operates a small sashimi restaurant and a bed and breakfast to make a living on the island.

她犯了错误,但是我们记得,她的本质是贞洁贤淑的。She had committed a fault, but the foundation of her nature, as will be remembered, was modesty and virtue.

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人们常用“秀外慧中”来形容貌美贤淑的女子,这同样可以作为给运动场馆综合评分的标准。"Beautiful in appearance and intelligent in mind" is often used by people to describe good looking and virtuous girls.

在他看来,爱情与婚姻是割裂的,所谓理想的婚恋,就是要有一个贤淑宽容的女性,并以一定的经济基础作后盾。An ideal marriage should be involved with a virtuous and tolerant female and be supported by a certain base of economy.

东株由于查材料,没有留意到手机,而贤淑看到是侑莉的电话,挂了她的电话。East plant material, no attention because check to mobile phone, and virtuous see is her phone with his, hang her phone.

母亲朱梅馥是一个具有东方文化素养,又经西方文化洗礼,既端庄贤淑,又温厚善良的东方女性。Mother Zhu Meifu is an oriental culture and Western culture, through baptism, dignified and virtuous, gentle kindness Oriental female.

傅艺伟具有东方女性的文静含蓄、端庄贤淑气质,出道至今,给观众带来很多印象深刻的作品。Fu Yiwei has the Eastern feminine quiet implicitly, solemn virtuous qualities, debut so far, to the audience to bring many impressive works.

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一向胆小而贤淑的母亲因此一病不起,而欧也妮这个痴情的姑娘最终等到的却是发了小财归来的负心汉。The shy and virtuous mother fell down from heartache, while Eugenie, this spoony girl, got a rich man who was not loyal to her love any more.

我知书达礼,善良贤淑,有爱心,有诚意,热爱家庭,喜欢音乐和旅行。I know the book to reach the ritual, good virtuous, has the compassion, has the sincerity, deeply loves the family, likes music and the travel.

它以其流动的旋律、潇洒的画意与浓郁的诗情,表现出中华女性贤淑、典雅、温柔、清丽的性情与气质。It flows for its tune, intended to draw in cool and rich poetry, showing Chinese women virtuous , elegant, gentle, good humor and temperament Qingli.