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玛丽和她妈妈长得一模一样。She likes to rubber-neck.

它们真的一模一样吗?Are they really identical?

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我希望能买一台一模一样的。I hope I can get one like it.

我永远也做不到和你一模一样。I'll never be exactly like you.

后来我终于在网上找到了一台一模一样的干酪刨丝器。Finally, I found the same model.

你说得就象那个老人一模一样。You talk like an old man yourself.

这两姐妹长得一模一样。The two sisters look exactly alike.

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这些小海豚长得一模一样。These little dolphins look identical.

这本书跟王先生丢失的那本一模一样。This is the same book as Mr Wang lost.

这个东西与有关尼斯湖水怪的描述一模一样。It`s just like the descriptions of Nessie.`

你知道吗,科学家复制了一头一模一样的克隆羊。Do you know that scientists a sheep into an.

你将会听到几乎和富齐一模一样的笑声。You will hear the duplicate of Fuzzy's laugh.

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人们从各个方向听到的东西几乎都是一模一样的。One hears exactly the samething from all sides.

有线电视盒和卫星电视盒在信号传输的部分所做的工作和VCR一模一样。A cable box or satellite box does the same thing.

我看那跟女人穿的红法兰绒衬裤一模一样。They look like ladies’ red flannel drawers to me.

许多段落逐字逐句都是一模一样的。Many passages are identically the same, word for word.

7月份开始的时候和雷曼兄弟破产后的其他21个月一模一样。July started just like the other 21 post-Lehman months.

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而房子就跟你几个小时前离开时一模一样。The house is EXACTILY how you left it several hours ago.

他们完成重修,让它和八十年前一模一样。They've done it so it's exactly how it was 80 years ago.

他们建了一座与那不勒斯歌剧院一模一样的仿造品。They built an exact replica of the opera house in Naples.