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技能卓绝。One's technical ability is above all others.

卓绝的博士丹·奥卡姆曾想到过这一点。Dan Occam thought of that, invincible doctor.

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在恋爱和痛苦中的心灵是处在卓绝的状态中。The soul which loves and suffers is in a state of sublimity.

你的卓绝努力已经给反抗军带来了极大的推动。Your sterling efforts have given the Rebellion a real boost.

一群怀揣梦想的孩子,一支英勇卓绝的军队,这就是岚海!The children with a dream, a valiant, excellent army, and this is Lhave!

在找到适当的人之前,独一必要做的,就是让自身足够的卓绝。Before finding the right people- the only need to do is to make yourimmol good enough.

当我走的时候,让这个作我的别话罢,就是说我所看过的是卓绝无比的.When I go from hence let this be my parting word, that what I have seen is unsurpassable.

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立宪者们无疑是超凡卓绝的,但是我愿意成为第一个指认他们犯下这些弥天大错的人。The framers were no doubt extraordinary, but I would be the first to admit that they made big mistakes.

最卓绝的景象能摄取所有的人的心灵,使全体证人变为观众。The peculiarity of sublime spectacles is, that they capture all souls and turn witnesses into spectators.

有夫会感到卓殊的困难,由于一切的球队都组织的很卓绝,而且知道在球场上应该做些什么。Sometimes it is very difficult because all the teams have great organisation and know what to do on the pitch.

中华儿女为民族独立、人民解放和民主自由进行了英勇卓绝的斗争。The Chinese people fought fearlessly for the national independence, liberation of the people, democracy and freedom.

贝拉警告阿森纳这群天赋卓绝的年轻球员,他们在酋长球场取得成功并非板上钉钉。Carlos Vela has warned Arsenal's talented youngsters that there are no guarantees they will succeed at Emirates Stadium.

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不仅具有钢的强度。更具有超高分子量聚乙烯优异的耐腐蚀性和卓绝的耐磨性能。IT owns strength of steel, and excellent corrosion proof performance and superior abrasion proof performance of UHMW-PE.

图书和版权,作为每一个人创造精神的驱动力,在力争和平的努力中也功绩卓绝。Books and copyright, as driving forces for the creativity of every people, play a prominent part in the battle for peace.

诺基亚在硬件制造方面技艺卓绝——而且向来如此——但在智能手机领域,要想从硬件制造中获利,将十分困难。Nokia is brilliant at hardware – and always has been – but squeezing money from it in the smartphone world will be tough.

他会带领着他的团队为宾客在利顺德大饭店带来非凡卓绝的豪华精选体验。With all that, it is without a doubt that he will lead his team to bring the Luxury Collection experience to gueSTS at The Astor Hotel.

圣殿、清真寺、菩萨庙、神舍,所有那些地方都有它丑恶的一面,是我们所唾弃的,同时也有它卓绝的一面,是我们所崇敬的。There is, in the synagogue, in the mosque, in the pagoda, in the wigwam, a hideous side which we execrate, and a sublime side, which we adore.

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这是自我疗愈领域中令人兴奋的全新方式,阿雅妮的声音加上舒曼通灵的音乐,共同创造初一个超然卓绝的声音体验。An exciting new modality in the field of self-healing, Ayani's voice and Shulman's channeled music combine to create a transcendent audio experience.

虽然我们继承了先辈们饱浸泪水和辛劳的卓绝成果,我们知道在通往平等机会的道路上仍然还有障碍。Though we inherit the extraordinary progress won by the tears and toil of our predecessors, we know barriers still remain on the road to equal opportunity.

官方媒体宣扬关于他超人般的卓绝天份,例如惊人的高尔夫球技--低于标准杆38杆以及五次一杆进洞。His official media churns out hagiographic tales of his almost superhuman talents -- including the world's greatest round of golf, 38 under par with 5 holes in one.