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咱们曾经是同窗。We were schoolfellows.

我所有的同窗都在那儿。Bll my classmates are over there.

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你嫉妒旧日同窗的成功吗?Are you jealous of your classmates' success?

这一学期我将努力遇上同窗们。I'll try to catch up with my class this term.

她一直跟同窗保持联系。She has kept in touch with her school-friends.

我大一时期的同窗是一个十足的乡巴佬。My roommate in my freshman year was a real hick.

在座的各位同窗,你们是在与我不合的时代来到哈佛的。You graduates came to Harvard at a different time.

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于是和同窗约好去阳江买工具。He and classmate about going shopping in Yangjiang.

这些年来他和同窗好友失去了联系。He lost sight of his school friends over the years.

礼拜一您的同窗要上几节课啊?。How many lessons does your classmate have on Monday?

在座的各位毕业的同窗,你们所处的时代是一个神奇的时代。You graduates are coming of age in an dazzling time.

这里地教师和同窗都比自己在英格兰地黉舍要多。My teachers and classmates are all very friendly to me.

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约45的同窗以为应以社会需要为主,如许将来轻易找到工作。About 45 students in social need, so easy to find a job.

李明或者是他的同班同窗在扫除房间。Li Ming or his acquaintances are charwoman the allowance.

星期一马克的昔日同窗对他进行了追思。Mark Madoff was remembered fondly by former classmates Monday.

原来,白鹰与史月儿在国外是同窗。Original, bai Ying and Shi Yueer are in abroad is schoolfellow.

他如今是一个有身份的人了,他可能不会记得老同窗了。He is somebody now. He will not have remembered his old classmates.

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上礼拜天,我和我的同窗林昊去了书店。Last Sunday Lin Hao, one of my classmates, and I went to a bookstore.

史考特和保罗是政治大学的室友兼同窗。Scott and Paul are rooates and also classmates at Chengchi University.

曾经我们同窗共读,曾经我们嬉戏打闹,曾经我们共度风雨。Once we read, once our classmate, once we were playing swooping storms.