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通俗歌曲相当贴近我们的现实生活。Pop songs are quite close to our real life.

舒适可拆洗坐垫,柔软的触觉更贴近宝宝。Soft quick detachable cushion can be washed.

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我并不知道为什么,但是它是如此贴近我的心。I don’t know why, but it’s close to my heart.

你向我起来,带着爱贴近天真烂漫的我。You up to me, with my love close to innocent.

贴近客户,持续的保持顾客满意度。We make every endeavor to satisfy our customers.

将你的香唇再贴近话一些吧!Put your sweet lips a little closer to the phone.

他们的北界是从约旦河起,往上贴近耶利哥的北边。The Jordan formed the boundary on the eastern side.

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他不再尝试将他的画作贴近生活。He no longer tried to make his pictures true-to-life.

“这个画家画得太贴近生活了!”他惊奇地说道。"What a great realist that painter is! " he exclaimed.

准确生动地使用语言能够使你的演说贴近生活。Using language vividly helps bring your speech to life.

放在你睫毛上然后贴近眼皮轻轻夹。You just place it on your lashes and squeeze it closed.

任何您所需要的,世伦彩色印刷贴近您及您的目标市场。Everything you need. Close to you and your target market.

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将软管贴近地面,在植物根部附近浇水。Hold the hose close to the ground above the plants' roots.

柔声细语,我的爱,紧紧拥抱我,贴近你温暖的心。Speak softly, love, and hold me warm, close to your heart.

他走下山,来到木屋前,用眼贴近木墙上的孔。He walked down to it and put his eye to a hole in the wood.

第二个图像是贴近被称为打底。The second image is close to what is called a underpainting.

肘部贴近身躯,既不向内弯,也不向外翻。Elbows are set close to the body and turn neither in nor out.

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母亲将耳朵贴近时,儿子突然咬住母亲的耳朵,差点撕下来,周围的人都惊呆了。He nearly bit off her ear. All the bystanders were horrified.

溢流/回水要贴近箱顶安装。The loop seal should be mounted close to the top of the tank.

有一次,在昏迷中他被一种贴近耳边的喘息声弄醒了。He was awakened once from a faint by a wheeze close in his ear.