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这是空耗笔墨。This is a waste of ink.

她的美貌绝非笔墨所能形容。She has the beauty that beggars description.

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那里的风景美得非笔墨可形容。The scenery is beautiful beyond description.

风景秀丽,笔墨也不能形容。The beauty of the scenery defies description.

我们激动的心情难以用笔墨来形容。Words can hardly describe how excited we were.

从山顶看去的景色是笔墨难以形容的。The view from the top was quite beyond description.

笔墨技法是中国画的根基,笔情墨韵则是中国画的灵魂。Ink skill is its base, and pitch rhythm is its soul.

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或许就像他写道的,“不在于你的笔墨,在于你的思想。”Or as Mankoff writes, "It's not the ink, it's the think."

但是劳先生还是费了些笔墨去解释这一点。Mr Law struggles a bit to explain why it should be the case.

所以我珍爱我的武器,就像你对待你的笔墨。So I take care of my arms, as you of your pens and your inkhorn.

诗人们不会为你可悲的帝国浪费笔墨。我必将你碾为尘土。Bards will not spare breath upon your pitiful empire. I shall crush you.

治学之余,以笔墨陶冶性情。Beyond learning and teaching, he nurtures his temperament with ink and pen.

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这就是作者为什么要用那么多笔墨来写一个山野村妪形象的原因所在。This is why the author wrote so much about the image of an old country lady.

虽为游戏笔墨,但治学者或当有一二可取者耳。Although they are plays on words, the scholars can choose one or two of them.

画面力图表现大虚大实。以画山石的笔墨来着力刻画树如人性的生命状态。The artist applies the skill of rock painting to the portrait of men's lives.

晶莹剔透的海水以及蔚蓝的天空所构成的美景实非笔墨言语所能形容。The beauty of the crystal clear seawater and the azure sky is beyond description.

他在上半部分花了大量笔墨,把但以理塑造成智者。Remember he spent the whole first part of the book setting up Daniel as a wise man.

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改变的不形式可以是笔墨,也可以是不黑白图片。Even black-white images have different shades of gray, which can be counted as color.

人们不免要付诸于笔墨,写一本幸福指南,之后便可悟出荒谬的精髓。One does not discover the absurd without being tempted to write a manual of happiness.

而笔墨本身同时也涵盖着东方的人文精神与审美范畴。Pen and Ink cover the oriental humanism spirit and aesthetical field at the same time.