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你们的神是永生的神。Your God is alive, v. 10.

因为它使我们丧失了永生。It robs us of immortality.

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永生无疑很棒。Immortality would be wonderful.

自由,在精神世界里的永生。In life, we are kings or pawns.

我可以喂养你直到永生。I can feed you for all eternity.

如得到永生般逐梦。Dream as if you can live forever.

节俭时光就是延永生命。To save time is to lengthen life.

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节俭时间就是延永生命。Too save time is to lengthen life.

这是真神,也是永生。He is the true God and eternal life.

又黑又瘦的永生被镀成金色。Meager immortality black and gilded.

节俭时光就是延永生命。To save time is to amplify activity.

女儿和母亲都得已永生。Both daughter and mother are immortal.

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永生会变作无稽的梦想。The Life Eternal but a baseless dream?

您的伟大成就,我们永生难忘。We will never forget your achievements.

你是我永生梦幻中的居住者。You are a dweller in my deathless dreams.

愿基督的圣血,护祐我得到永生。The Celebrant receives the Body of Christ.

愿基督的圣血,护祐我得到永生。The Celebrant receives the Precious Blood.

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这才是永生所导致的真正糟糕的结果。This is the true awfulness of immortality.

初恋是永生难忘的。First love is unforgettable all one’s life.

都一同敬拜称颂永生真神。All worshiping and praising the eternal God.