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鼻衄就是鼻孔流血的结果。A nosebleed is an issue of blood from the nose.

迟发,反复发生的严重鼻衄为其主要临床特征。Delayed and repeated epistaxis was its most common clinical feature.

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临床常以鼻塞流脓涕及鼻衄为主要症状。The main symptom was prsented as nasal obstruction pus snot and nosebleed.

大多数此类病人在出现需要治疗的鼻衄之前健康状况良好。Most of these patients have been previously healthy until presenting with acute EPX requiring therapy.

如果是因为上火而经常鼻衄,那就应当忌食辛辣了。If you suffer from epistaxis caused by excessive internal heat, then you should not eat any spicy food.

鼻衄是多种原因导致的鼻部出血,是一种常见现象,大多为良性和自限性。Epistaxis is a nosebleed that can result from various etiologies. This condition is rather common, often benign and self-limiting.

鼻部出血的现象在冬季节最容易发生,有个医学名词叫“鼻衄”。The phenomenon that nose ministry bleeds is inWinterThe section is the most incidental, a medical noun cries " nosebleed nasally ".

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介绍缪刺法治疗顽固性面瘫、肩关节周围炎、疝气、鼻衄的临床验案。This article offers its application to the treatment of stubborn facial paralysis, periarthritis of shoulder, hernia and nasal bleeding, etc.

鼻衄或鼻腔出血通常是发生在内颈动脉和外颈动脉分支的交合点。Epistaxis or nasal bleeding commonly occurs at the junction of the internal carotid artery derivatives and the external carotid artery derivatives.

耳鸣,听力减退。鼻塞,鼻衄。抽吸咳出鼻咽分泌物带血,头痛,颈部肿块。Tinnitus, hypoacusis. Nasal obstruction, epistaxis. The aspirated and coughed up nasopharyngeal secretion is with blood, headache, and cervical mass.

目的观察单纯使用明胶海绵颗粒栓塞与明胶海绵颗粒加丝线进行联合介入栓塞治疗严重鼻衄的临床疗效。Objective Observe the clinical curative effect of gelatin sponge particle and gelatin sponge particle adding the silk thread in treating serious epistaxis.

治疗五官科疾病6种,其中治疗慢性咽炎、鼻衄的病例数最多。DRDL with addition and subtraction treats 6 kinds of diseases in facial features system, the patients with chronic pharyngitis and epistaxis are most in treatment.

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假如证明“气候变化”流于被夸大,而减碳排放导致真正的民生疾苦,我们可能会发现所干的,有点像把止血带绑到自己的脖子上来止鼻衄。If climate change proves to be mild, but cutting carbon causes real pain, we may well find that we have stopped a nose-bleed by putting a tourniquet around our necks.

颌面部的外伤导致的创伤性鼻衄是严重鼻出血的另一种常见原因,相应的血管撕裂伤可导致危及生命的顽固性出血。Traumatic EPX is another common cause of serious epistaxis resulting from maxillofacial trauma, and can lead to massive life-threatening intractable hemorrhage from associated vascular tears.

结论用凝血酶敷贴出血点及创面烧伤膏换药是治疗血液病鼻衄一种安全、有效的方法。Conclusion The authors believed that wadding petechias with gelfoam soaked by thromboplastinase and dressing with burn ointment tele is a safe, valid treatment of epistaxis with blood disease.