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我即将去南加洲了。I"m going to UCCA ."

暴风雨即将来临。A storm is approaching.

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这种情况即将改变。That is about to change.

科索夫大师即将迈入84岁高龄。Mr Kossoff will soon be 84.

专业化时代即将来临Specialization will set in.

一场好戏即将开锣。A good play will begin soon.

一个新的世界即将来临。A new world will hang about.

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而这就是即将发生的变化。But that is about to change.

小冰时代即将来临?New Little Ice Age in store?

本车即将到达码头。Now arriving at embarcadero.

钢之十字军即将燃烧!Templars of steel will burn!

票据即将到期。The bill will soon fall due.

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你的时代即将大放光芒。Your time has come to shine.

是婴儿肥,还是即将发生的肥胖?Baby Fat Or Impending Obesity?

对于即将到来的初吻感到紧张不安吗?Nervous about your first kiss?

一个新千年即将来临。A new millenium is approaching.

在你们即将接吻时轻咳一声。And coughs when you would kiss.

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即将同我的死亡结束在一起。Coming to an end with my death.

两年之后,娄靖即将毕业。In two years she will graduate.

看,那船即将起锚。Look! The ship is breaking out.