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我们中国人的弱点是太懂得明哲保身了。The trouble with us Chinese is that we are too sensible.

明哲保身是自由主义的表现之一。To be wordly-wise and play safe is one of the manifestations of liberalism.

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一看见那张小脸,我们就把明哲保身的金科玉律统统打破了。All the rules of self-preservation were broken when we saw that little face.

是将踢你屁股的人以牙还牙,还是明哲保身免受飞来横祸?Is to kick your ass people eye for an eye, or play it safe from the mishaps?

而当我问他为何这些问题似乎都被忽视时,他回答道“明哲保身”。I asked why it seems problems are ignored. "To preserve our sanity" was the reply.

再一种就是妥协,采取明哲保身的策略。The other one is compromise and to adopt the strategy named keeping out of troubles.

是否明哲保身规整投注,则看你对循规蹈矩的有限制下注或者风险性较大的无限制下注的熟练程度与胆识了!Play it safe with Structured Bets, test your skills in Pot Limit or risk it all in No Limit.

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他所想到的基本都是明哲保身,以及如何让他的儿子、他的女友和迈克一切平安。He’s thinking much more in terms of self-preservation and what’s right for this son and his girlfriend and for Michael.

亚洲从这场金融风暴中明哲保身的童话在上周完全破灭了。Any lingering fantasy that Asia could insulate itself from the storm raging through the rest of the world was swept aside last week.

大西洋两岸的怒火不断升温,而英国政府却想明哲保身,与释放麦格拉西脱开关系。The growing anger on both sides of the Atlantic has seen the British government attempt to distance itself from the decision to free Megrahi.

是啊!不过一看见那张小脸带着害怕被淹死的恐怖神情被激流越冲越远,我们就把明哲保身的金科玉律统统打破了。Oh, but all the rules of self-preservation were broken when we saw that little face, filled with the terror of death, being sucked downstream.

无私的友情使青春升华,贪婪自私、冷漠无情、明哲保身、视而不见,并非是成熟的体现。Selfless friendship make youth sublimation, greed, selfish, indifference, to preserve our sanity, turn a blind eye, is not mature manifestation.

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还有许多其他人忙于明哲保身,以求在更衣室的各派别之间游刃有余。Also many other people are busy with not to stick one's neck out, accomplishes a task with ease in order to between changing room various factions.

我很在意别人对我的看法,很多时候宁愿躲避黑暗势力也要明哲保身,可是对于我这样软弱的人,主却让我在基督里刚强。I am very concerned about my views on others, often prefer to escape the forces of darkness to playing safe, but I, weak, I did give the firmness in Christ.

人们的德行仅仅来源于除了尘世间的那微不足道的期待和欲望。在这样的世界上,有勇气的人们成了冒险家,而没有勇气的人成了只求明哲保身苟活于世的懦夫。The man whose virtue has no source except a purely terrestrial prudence will, in such a world, become an adventurer if he has the courage, and, if not, will seek obscurity as a timid time-server.

我们要让大家知道,当有人以非民主及非法的方式,企图推翻以民主制度遴选的政府时,马国人民并不会只顾明哲保身或默不作声。We want to let people know that when someone wants to overthrow the democratically-elected government through undemocratic and illegal means, the Malaysian people will not tolerate and remain silent.