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天秤座男人的黄道吉日。It will be an auspicious day for Libra men.

没错,口红和女儿。真是黄道吉日。Yep, lipstick and a daughter. Big day for you!

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因为农历上说今天是黄道吉日啊。Because the lunar calendar says today is auspicious.

他要选择一个黄道吉日,率领这支百万猴军。On auspicious-day he would led this monkey army, a million strong.

最后,皇帝会在一个黄道吉日安葬在皇陵。Finally, the deceased emperor was buried in the imperial mausoleum on a selected day.

许多中国人会根据阴历来选择结婚的黄道吉日。Lots of chinese people will choose the auspicious day of getting married according to a lunar calendar.

当然,选择最多的还是结婚黄道吉日和开业黄道吉日及搬家吉日。Of course, the choice is still married to the most auspicious day auspicious opening, moving auspicious day.

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中国民间在择定新婚日期时,除了考虑选择所谓的“黄道吉日”外,还要注意避开女方的经期。When Chinese people choice marriage date, not only taking dies faustus into account, but also avoidance menses of bride.

订婚仪式过后,媒人会向男方家庭要几个黄道吉日同时也会择日给予聘礼。Several days after the presentation of the betrothal gifts, the girl's family sent porters with an inventoried dowry to the boy's house.

重庆一位20岁的单身男青年上周决定穿上黄色连身裤,收集来自陌生人的1,111个拥抱,以此来庆祝这个“黄道吉日”。One single man in Chongqing chose to celebrate the auspicious date this week by dressing up in a yellow jumpsuit and collecting 1,111 hugs from strangers.

初六倒是个黄道吉日,可惜地干了,虽然勉强把他的四亩谷子种上了,却没有出够一半。The sixth according to his calculations was a lucky day, and he sowed his seed. But by then the soil had gone dry again. Less than half the millet came up.

在选定的黄道吉日的日子里,一览楼前,摆好方案,是六张大八仙桌拼成的桌上供上大香大烛,八盘瓜果。In selected on auspicious days and events in front of the building, prepare programme, six big picks up on the table for the big eight large fragrant candles, fruit plate.