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然而,这款新机可不轻便便宜。However, the new laptop is neither light nor cheap.

经过5年的努力,他发明了一个新机器.Afer five years of effort,he invented a new machine.

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其中一个产品是多功能晶面翻新机。One of our products is multifunctional polished retreading machine.

如何区分手机购买哪一个是翻新机?How distinguishes the handset which one buy is the retreading machine?

这类新机械将使工人从曩昔所不能不处置的统统沉重的劳动中摆脱出去。This new machine will emancipate workers from all the hard work they once had to do.

为加香机,雾化器,清新机等产品配专用精油。For Flavoring machine, nebulizer , fresh machine with special oils and other products.

针对新机种对固体膜润滑剂的需求,研制了两种固体膜润滑剂-HR-7201和HR-7101。Two kinds of solid film lubricant, HR-7201 and HR-7101, were prepared to fit new aircraft.

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但分析师指出,价格或许是决定性的因素.新机价格周三稍晚将公布.But analysts say the price, to be announced later in the day, may be the determining factor.

新出炉的浇模机可以卖给别人,新机主还可以复制浇模机,再卖。The new copies can then be sold to other people, who can in turn copy the machine and sell on.

东芝已和该生联系,将为其免费更换一台新机。Toshiba contacted Rossmann and offered to provide him with a replacement set for free, he said.

这款新机带有5兆像素的相机、flash播放和内置GPS定位功能软件。It comes with a 5-megapixel camera with a flash and a built-in GPS for location-based applications.

显然因为新机遇到了,难道你不认为那些老师应该换个有纯物理专业的学校教物理吗?Well, as new opportunities come up, don't you think they might move to a place that has a physics degree?

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东京消息---史帝夫,乔布斯同学的新一代iPhone预计将在星期一的时候跟大家见面,新机也将在年底在日本发售。TOKYO -- Steve Jobs' new iPhone, expected to be unveiled Monday, is headed to Japan by the end of the year.

若只是看看,你绝对猜不出这款尼康新机D90是一款震撼人心的,具有革新意义的相机。If you saw it just sitting there, you'd never guess that the new Nikon D90 is a mind-blowing, game-changing camera.

用连杆机构取代凸轮机构是老机改造和新机开发中的重要课题之一。One of the major projects in old loom reform and new loom design is to substitute the cam mechanism with link mechanism.

新机除了一些隐身设计全尺寸臆想图外,至今就没有什么料了。Apart from several photographs of a full-scale mock-up with a reduced radar cross-section, there has been little else to go by.

因此,像移相器和心灵运输器这样的新机迷航小发明仍然是科幻的东西,但是三录仪是真的。So Star Trek gizmos like phasers and transporter beams are still the stuff of science fiction, but tricorders could be for real.

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和在你的领域工作的人们建立联系,这意味着一旦新机会出现,人们头脑中第一时间想到的就是你。Developing relationships with people working in your field, then, means that you're top of mind whenever they hear of a new opportunity.

在这次展会中诸多游戏厂商都为玩家献上了自己最新的产品,诸多新机闪亮登场供玩家试玩。In this exhibition a lot of game makers are the latest players to offer their own products, many new machines for players to debut demo.

此外,新机摆脱了家庭的开支,工作时间长,洗衣,做饭,做其他工作,其中许多。Also, new machines freed many of them from spending long hours of work in the home washing clothes, preparing food, and doing other jobs.