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触景生情,我也很想家吖。I missing U so much, my dearest.

触景生情,这不就是我们曾经爱过、梦想的地方吗?Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?

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不知道从什么时候开始,我变成一个很能触景生情的人。Do not know what time, I have become a person can rebound.

相机咔嚓的闪耀着,许多人明显的触景生情了。Many are visibly moved, even as the cameras click and flash.

一来我对葬礼没有什么好感,而来,我也担心会触景生情,又回想起那场审判。And I didn`t like funerals. And I didn`t want to be reminded of the trial.

睹物思人,触景生情,一小点触动就能拨动你思念的琴弦,清脆而幽怨。A small point will be able to switch to touch the strings of your thoughts, and clear.

你的离开,让我变得脆弱,一旦触景生情就要崩溃。Your leaving made me look weak so much, even nearly to fall apart once meet our perious memories.

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在这个凉秋的黄昏,珍妮丝站在窗门边。她触景生情地回忆起来。Standing by the window on this cool autumn evening was Janice. She was brought back into memories by this view.

在老婆玛姬不幸病势之后,他就带着八岁的儿子乔纳阔别谁人悲伤地,离开西雅图,以防止触景生情,勾起难受的回想。After his wife Maggie died of illness, Sam and his eight-year-old son Jonah move to Seattle to avoid the sad memories.

在沼地里走了好几英里才到,那个地方十分荒凉凄惨,很可能使人触景生情,编出那个故事来。It was an excursion of some miles across the moor to a place which is so dismal that it might have suggested the story.

他这么疲惫和饥饿,本来是不应该来这里的,对比太鲜明了。连他也不禁触景生情,深深地回想起过去的好光景来。In his weary and hungry state, he should never have come here. The contrast was too sharp. Even he was recalled keenly to better things.

随后,这些使他触景生情的阴惨事儿从他的脑子里消失了,他重新回到他惯常的忆念中。Then those shadows which had varied his melancholy vanished from his thoughts, and he fell back once more into his habitual preoccupations.

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直到触景生情,直到回忆重新在这泛黄的灯光和晶莹的黑暗中挥发,我才知道,怀念与憧憬,居然可以这么近这么近。Until been stroke by the scene, and memories vaporized in the pale light and sparkling darkness, I still knew that yearn and longing could be so close.

元宵节,中秋节,情人节若无节目可主动要求加班----免得出门触景生情或回家独自神伤,且给老板一个好印象。If you have nothing to do, nowhere to go during holidays, volunteer to work overtime. That way, you impress your boss and you will not get sentimental in a crowd or being alone.

黑暗笼罩了整个大地,秋风习习,伴着最后一抹夕阳的消失又一天结束了,不知道该庆幸还是该伤悲,触景生情乱发感慨吗?Darkness over the whole earth, the autumn wind blowing gently, with the last hint of sunset disappears and the end of the day, do not know the lucky or the sad, be moved by what one sees hair feeling?