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寒冷冬日的残雪仍然借着严寒的余威覆盖大地。The snow of colder days still holds on with its chilling grip.

暑期余威尚盛,雨水仍多,湿为长夏的主气。Summer rain still remnants of Shang Sheng, long, wet summer main gas.

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伴随着这次日食的余威,8月16日又将发生一次日全食。On the heels of this eclipse will come the full moon lunar eclipse on August 16.

飓风艾克余威依然不减,它给伊利诺伊州带来更多降水。Remnants of Hurricane Ike are bringing Illinois precisely what it didn't need, more rain.

与此同时,身经百战的帝国陆军挟乘胜之余威随时准备接管整个新几内亚。And the Japanese army, battle-hardened and flush with victory, was poised to take all of New Guinea.

暴风雨已经耗去了大部分的精力,还有一点余威只能到东边的乡间去施展了。The storm has spend most of its energy, and what is left willbe expended on the countryside to the east.

暴风雨耗去了大的精力,还有一点余威只能到东边的乡间去施展了。The storm has spend most of its energy, and what is left will be expended on the countryside to the east.

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暴风雨已经消耗了它的大部分精力,尚存一点余威要到东边的乡间去施展了。The storm has spent most of its energy, and what is left will be expended on the countryside to the east.

红黑军团此战是带着上一场主场痛宰莱切的余威而来,没想到却遇到了早有准备的巴勒莫顽强的抵抗。The Rossoneri were coming off an excellent home victory over Lecce, but came up against a well-organised Palermo outfit.

明天凌晨,枪手将在新主场第一次进行冠军杯小组赛,全队上下希望能够借着2比1客场力克汉堡和联赛两连胜的余威一举拿下波尔图。The Gunners host a group game at their new ground for the first time and are hoping to follow up an impressive 2-1 win at Hamburg by beating Porto.

阿德莱德拥有许多早期澳式建筑的典范,比如贯通南北的主干道路----余威廉街上的市政厅。The city contains many fine examples of early Australian architecture, including the town hall on King Wiiliam Street---the wide main N-S thoroughfare.

阿德莱德拥有许多早期澳式建筑的典范,比如贯通南北的主干道路----余威廉大街上的市政大厅。The city contains many fine examples of early Australian architecture, including the town hall on King Wiiliam Street---the wide main N-S thoroughfare.

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王前进带人发现了那个暗室后独自下去查看情况,打开箱子后他命人马上撤退出去,但还是被炸弹的余威伤到。Wang Qianjin found that after dark room alone down to see the situation, he orders the retreat out right away after opening the box, but was the bomb aftershock hurt.

飓风艾克的余威给伊利诺斯州带去了最不希望的强降雨,芝加哥和其他地区的水位猛涨,洪水泛滥。Remnants of Hurricane Ike are bringing Illinois precisely what it didn't need, more rain. Record levels have already led to rising flood waters in Chicago and elsewhere.