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有更多时间和朋友厮混。You have more time for friends.

他经常和一帮流氓厮混。He goes round with a bunch of thugs.

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他正与一帮青少年歹徒厮混在一起。He is running with a gang of youngsters.

我的儿子成天和白莲教的人厮混在一起。My son allied himself with the people of the White lotus.

他和嬉皮士、毒贩子一起厮混游荡。He was drifting, hanging out with hippies and drug dealers.

约翰的妈妈要他别跟学校里的坏小孩厮混。John's mom told him not to get mixed up with the bad kids at school.

我违背了母亲的意愿。我同一群她从来就反对的家伙厮混。I disobeyed my mother. I hung out with guys she would never approve of.

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明的人厮混在一起,父亲很是恼火。Father is annoyed that his daughter consorts with all kinds of strange people.

他们像沙拉一样厮混在一起,很难从中挑出来某个人说这就是谁谁谁。They're mixed together like a salad and telling one leaf from another is hard.

我们告诫孩子们不要同市区另一边的那群野孩子在一起厮混。We warned our boys not to tangle with that group of tough boys from the other side of town.

第一年生活顺心顺意,我认识小镇上的每一个人,周末就在家整理院子或者是跟邻居那帮哥们一起出去厮混。I knew everyone in town. I spent weekends doing yard work or hanging out with the neighborhood guys.

它们与狮群的其他成员玩得很好。它们刚开始与它们厮混。They're very playful with the other members of the pride. They're just starting to mix with them now.

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而愚蠢则是另一码事。科学家们最近发现,那些经常和女人厮混的男人往往IQ都很低。Stupid is another. For scientists have concluded that men who sleep around are likely to have lower IQs.

雷子枫当场答应下来,并且警告丁大胜日后不能再与日军厮混。LeiZiFeng spot promised to come down, and warning DingDaSheng later cant and the Japanese hang around with.

好吧。喏,比如在滨海区,麦克跟工会厮混在一起,跟服装业也同样。Yeah. Well, like on the waterfront, Mike got a pretty good fix in with the union. Like wise the garment industry.

哈吉斯和Press开始和其他一些有抱负的作家和导演厮混,他们都和山达基有千丝万缕的联系。Haggis and Press started hanging out with other aspiring writers and directors who were involved with Scientology.

瑙玛-希拉扮演了一个将全身心都献于丈夫的妻子,而她的男人却对其不忠,和一个下层的淘金女琼-克劳馥厮混不清。Norma Shearer plays the devoted wife to a man who's cheating on her with the lower-class gold digger Joan Crawford.

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我的母亲被迫一反常态地去“呼叫时尚”,也许正是意味着她对父亲的厮混有所察觉。My mother had to go out of her way to the Dial-a-Style, which probably meant that she suspected my father's dalliance.

我们在一起生活了十年,事实证明在这一很重要的事情上,他一直在欺骗我,他在和另外的同性男人厮混。We’d been together ten years, and it turned out that for a significant portion of that, he’d been cheating on me with men.

打从初遇起,牠俩就厮混在一块,见其一必见另一身影,牠们两个大男生就这样作伙勇闯流浪路!From the first sight to them, they both played together. One always kept company with another. Both males struggled as stray dogs.